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  • 04.04.2022

    Investing in private markets – History and Rationale

    We expect private market assets to offer a credible alternative which can serve to not only diversify but as importantly augment portfolio returns.

  • 01.04.2022

    Equities: selectivity is a must

    Equities remain an asset class of choice, but selectivity is more important than ever in a tough economic climate. UBP’s experts share their thoughts on key themes.

  • 23.03.2022

    “Net zero and biodiversity are two sides of one coin”

    Börsen-Zeitung (07.02.2022) - Climate-neutrality is all very well, but it has to go hand in hand with ‘nature-positivity’, says UBP’s impact investing expert Victoria Leggett.

  • 21.03.2022

    Gold on the rise amid geopolitical tension

    Finanz und Wirtschaft (19.03.2022) -While a glimmer of hope for a cease-fire and the prospect of the Fed’s lift-off are providing some modest downside risk for the gold price, the general trend is upwards as investors flock into the safe haven of precious metals in search of protection from the rising geopolitical, energy supply and inflation risks.

  • 15.03.2022

    Asia: Rising energy prices will hasten policy tightening in the region

    Even though Asian economies have not endorsed sanctions, the Russia–Ukraine conflict will still have major impacts on the macroeconomic backdrop in the region.

  • 10.03.2022

    “Hong Kong and Singapore is Not a Zero-Sum Game”

    Finews (09.03.2022) - UBP’s Asia business saw equally strong contributions from Hong Kong and Singapore during the pandemic, the bank’s regional chief executive Michael Blake told, underlining that success from the dual hubs need not come at the expense of one another.

  • 09.03.2022

    UBP receives Climetrics award for environmental performance in emerging markets equity

    CDP’s Climetrics has independently awarded our Positive Impact Emerging Equity strategy a distinction for environmental performance in emerging market equity.

  • 09.03.2022

    Investing in private markets: Why and how

    Historically low interest rates and high stock market valuations have triggered unprecedented investment flows into private markets.

  • 08.03.2022

    Consolidation in banking: the challenges of an acquisition

    Le Temps (07.03.2022) - The number of private banks in the Swiss financial sector keeps shrinking and, with the wave of mergers and acquisitions that took place in 2021, it has now fallen below the symbolic threshold of a hundred: in a recent analysis, KPMG and the University of St-Gallen counted 96 in mid-2021, down from 101 in early 2020.

  • 07.03.2022

    Ghosts of the 1970s

    Nearly 50 years ago, a long simmering conflict reignited with the Fourth Arab-Israeli War culminating in a global energy shock and kicking off the 1970s stagflationary era.

  • 07.03.2022

    UBP aggiunge nuova strategia ESG sul debito sovrano in valuta locale dei mercati emergenti

    Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) ha annunciato oggi di aver ampliato la propria offerta nel reddito fisso emergente con una nuova strategia ESG sul debito sovrano in valuta locale. 

  • 03.03.2022

    UBP and Blue Earth Capital seal strategic partnership and hold a successful first closing for Climate Growth Strategy

    BlueEarth’s Climate Growth Strategy aims to support growth companies which address global environmental challenges in areas such as energy transition, electrification, industrial process optimisation and the circular economy.

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