Os seus contactos na UBP

Il punto d’accesso a tutte le informazioni per i media su Union Bancaire Privée.

Bernard Schuster
Head of Group Communications


Contatti con la stampa per l’area EMEA
Audrey Berladyn
Head of Media Relations EMEA

+41 58 819 26 44

Contatti con la stampa per l’ASIA
Jennifer Ran
Media Relations Manager, Asia

+852 3701 9716

Gli interlocutori locali

Non esitate a contattare le nostre agenzie di pubbliche relazioni sul vostro mercato.

Backstage Communication
E-mail: ubp@backstagecom.be
Telefono: +32 473 33 08 33

E-mail: c.lachevre@verbatee.com
Telefono: +33 6 20 42 12 08

NewMark Finanzkommunikation
E-mail: unionbancaireprivee@newmark.de 
Telefono: +49 69 9441 8028


Verini & Associati
E-mail: ubp@veriniassociati.com
Telefono: +39 02 45395500

Peregrine Communications
E-mail: ubp@peregrinecommunications.com
Telefono: +44 (0)20 3178 6868


Risultati semestrali 2024

L’utile netto di Union Bancaire Privée aumenta del 24,6% a 138,1 milioni di franchi


Risultati annuali 2023

Union Bancaire Privée registra un utile netto di 223,8 milioni di franchi, in aumento del 6,4% rispetto all’anno precedente


UBP si rafforza nella gestione del reddito fisso dei mercati emergenti

Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) annuncia oggi di aver ulteriormente rafforzato le capacità del Team che gestisce il reddito fisso dei mercati emergenti (EM) assumendo tre esperti di lunga esperienza e completando lo sviluppo della propria gamma di prodotti a reddito fisso EM in un'offerta completa che integra i principi dell'investimento responsabile.


Risultati semestrali 2023

Union Bancaire Privée registra un utile netto di 110,8 milioni di franchi nel primo semestre 2023


UBP annuncia un accordo di distribuzione con Securis per le Insurance-Linked Securities

Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) ha annunciato oggi di aver firmato un accordo di distribuzione con Securis Investment Partners LLP (Securis), uno dei principali gestori di Insurance-Linked Securities (ILS).


Union Bancaire Privée amplia la sua offerta nell’obbligazionario con una strategia high-income

Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) annuncia oggi di aver ulteriormente ampliato la propria offerta obbligazionaria con il lancio, nel dicembre 2022, di una nuova strategia high-income.


Union Bancaire Privée acquires Angel Japan Asset Management

Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) announced today that it has acquired 100% of the shares issued by Angel Japan Asset Management Limited (Angel Japan AM), a Tokyo-based independent investment advisor specialised in the Japanese small-cap equities space.


UBP and RMG close an exclusive private markets transaction

UBP and RMG have sourced and co-advised a consortium of institutional investors and families on a transaction involving buildings leased to Hôpital de La Tour as part of a sale and leaseback agreement.


UBP amplia la sua offerta nel campo degli alternativi e stringe una partnership con Brigade

UBP amplia ulteriormente l’offerta nel segmento credit alternative con una strategia in collaborazione con Brigade Capital Management L.P. (“Brigade”), leader globale specializzato in strategie incentrate sul credito.


How UBP bring in-house expertise to private market offerings

With a rise in popularity of alternative investments in recent years, UBP is tapping the private market space with a mixture of specialist in-house expertise and a highly selective approach to third-party manager solutions.


UBP's Strategic Vision of Pure-Play Private Banking in Southeast Asia

Hubbis met with Eric Morin recently to learn more about UBP’s current momentum in Southeast Asia, the bank’s key focus areas, his strategic priorities, and his vision for the future of private banking in the region.


Structured products: a strategic solution

Structured products have changed a great deal, after a long period in which they were treated with a degree of scepticism by investors, and as a result of tighter regulations. Although the number of clients using them remains very (too) small, they are likely to play a growing role in asset allocation strategies.


“Forget unrestricted market access to Europe”

The CEO of wealth management bank Union Bancaire Privée is focused on growth through acquisitions.


How the US government might deleverage its economy

US national government debt-to-GDP reached 120% in 2023, recapturing the level seen following years of wartime spending in 1945.


Will the Fed continue to cut interest rates?

Strong Q1 economic data from the US manufacturing, housing and employment sectors, combined with inflation of between 3.5–4% since mid-2023, have caused markets not to only price out the six rate cuts they had priced in up until the start of 2024, but, more recently, to also begin to question whether the Fed might forego rate cuts entirely in 2024.


Diversification is crucial, especially in 2024

As 2023’s concentrated market rally is extending into 2024, equity investors are worried about a potential consolidation or pullback.


The pound is no longer so vulnerable

There are signs that sterling is set to embark on an upward trend after several years in the doldrums.

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