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  • 17.07.2020

    Risultati semestrali 2020

    Union Bancaire Privée annuncia un utile netto di 107,6 milioni di franchi nel primo semestre 2020

  • 16.07.2020

    UBP lancia una strategia orientata corporate governance

    Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA («UBP») ha recentemente aggiunto una strategia alla sua piattaforma di UCITS alternativi. Con un’esposizione neutrale nei confronti del mercato e dei settori la strategia investe in azioni giapponesi ed è focalizzata sul governo societario.

  • 14.07.2020

    How impact investing can help EM attain the UN SDGs

    ESG Clarity (09.07.2020) - Impact investing is a relatively new trend in emerging markets. These countries show enormous room for improvement, both socially and environmentally, and this could well mean greater opportunities for impact investors than in developed countries.

  • 03.07.2020

    Asset TV Masterclass: impact investing

    Impact investing is not a new concept, but it has been gaining ground since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. So what does impact investment really involve and what are the prospects for impact solutions?

  • 26.06.2020

    Smug Money podcast: Healthcare investing in EM

    Good With Money (19.06.2020) – UBP Head of Global Emerging Equities Mathieu Nègre joins Sustainable(ish) founder Jen Gale in a podcast to discuss healthcare investing in emerging markets.

  • 24.06.2020

    Nuova strategia absolute return sulla piattaforma UCITS

    UBP amplia la sua piattaforma di UCITS alternativi con una nuova strategia a rendimento assoluto in collaborazione con Campbell & Company Investment Adviser LLC, una società che gestisce investimenti alternativi con sede a Baltimora.

  • 24.06.2020

    Market turmoil brings new opportunities for pragmatic investors

    March 2020 was difficult time for many investors, as COVID-19 spread across Europe and the US, leading to sharp sell-offs in fixed-income credit markets. While such market turbulence is not to be welcomed, its occurrence can create opportunities.

  • 23.06.2020

    What impact investing needs as it grows

    Investment Week (17.06.2020) - In response to growing concern about global issues, impact investing is in increasing demand, and has become essential in the view of many shareholders.

  • 18.06.2020

    Implications of China’s Sovereign Digital Currency

    The idea of a state-run digital currency (or e-RMB) has been brewing in China since 2014, with a pilot programme starting in recent months. It is a digital yuan – backed by the government.

  • 16.06.2020

    Partnership strategica con Bell Asset Management

    Union Bancaire Privée avvia una partnership strategica con l’australiana Bell Asset Management, player di primo piano nella gestione azionaria

  • 12.06.2020

    Secular trends more relevant than ever

    How can secular trends help investors navigate the post-pandemic world?

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