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Analisi 16.12.2021

Investing amidst the inflection in the fed policy cycle

The surge in inflation in 2021 combined with the sharp fall in unemployment leaves two of the US Federal Reserve’s key policy objectives within reach as the year comes to a close.

Comunicati stampa 15.12.2021

UBP unisce le forze con gli esperti di conservazione e lancia una strategia per la ricostruzione della biodiversità

UBP annuncia oggi un importante progresso nell’impegno negli investimenti a impatto con il lancio di una strategia incentrata sulla biodiversità, una collaborazione unica tra i settori finanziario, aziendale e della conservazione.

Analisi 10.12.2021

Reshaping the European Union

The global pandemic has allowed the European Union to lay a new foundation upon which it can build to bring about greater integration in the years ahead.

UBP in the press 03.12.2021

‘Il web ha reso re il consumatore’

La Regione (29.11.2021) - L’anno che sta per chiudersi è stato caratterizzato oltre che dalla persistenza di allarme sanitario legato alla pandemia di coronavirus, da una forte ripresa economica negli Stati Uniti e in Europa grazie soprattutto alle graduali riaperture favorite dalle campagne di vaccinazioni. 

Corporate 02.12.2021

UBP sheds light on the biodiversity-investment nexus

As part of Building Bridges Week – the agenda-setting event on sustainable finance taking place in Geneva from 29 November to 2 December 2021 – UBP hosted an interactive panel discussion on biodiversity and its investment opportunities.

Analisi 26.11.2021

The strong performance potential of Swiss small and mid-cap equities

The Swiss small- and mid-cap (also known as “SMID-cap”) universe offers a balanced and diversified exposure to companies with long-term value-creation potential. Active managers can create significant added value through a disciplined stock-selection process.

UBP in the press 24.11.2021

Alla ricerca di rendimenti in un mondo a tassi zero

Funds People (17.11.2021) - L'ascesa della gestione passiva, la difficoltà di trovare investimenti redditizi e a basso rischio in un contesto di tassi a zero, la concentrazione del settore o il boom degli ESG sono solo alcune delle sfide che i gestori si trovano ad affrontare. Di questo e altro abbiamo parlato con Nicolas Faller, Co-CEO AM Union Bancaire Privée.

Analisi 22.11.2021

CRISPR: the implications of gene editing

In the latest episode of UBP’s Expert series, Norman Villamin, CIO Wealth Management and Pierre Corby, Equity Analyst Healthcare, invited Dr Samarth Kulkarni, CEO of CRISPR Therapeutics, to discuss the challenges and investment opportunities offered by medical innovation, specifically in the field of gene editing.

Analisi 19.11.2021

UBP Investment Outlook 2022

Embracing Change

UBP in the press 18.11.2021

Is inflation a real concern for credit markets?

Institutional Money (8.11.2021) - Coming into the final quarter of the year, our view had been that the economic recovery would allow central banks to start guiding towards less accommodative policies, and that this would provide room for rates to rise. 

Analisi 17.11.2021

COP 26 follow-up

The 2015 Paris Agreement called for a 5-year cycle of updates on nationally determined contributions (NDC). This latest update would have occurred in 2020 but was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

UBP in the press 15.11.2021

From Carbon Neutral to Nature Positive

Investment Week (10.11.2021) - As sustainable investing has gathered momentum over the last decade, much of the focus of the underlying investments has been on climate stability and, more specifically, carbon intensity. 

Analisi 11.11.2021

The battle against stagflation

Having been dormant for nearly 50 years, the term ‘stagflation’ has once again re-entered investors’ lexicon and with it a concern of a lost decade like the one faced by investors in the US in the 1970s.

Analisi 08.11.2021

China: The factors behind weaker growth in 2022

The Chinese economy is facing headwinds leading into 2022, including: 1) Ongoing regulatory crackdown; 2) Exposure to COVID outbreaks; 3) A slump in the housing sector; and 4) Power shortages over the winter months.

Analisi 05.11.2021

Key developments to watch for at COP26

With the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference currently underway in Glasgow, Union Bancaire Privée's Impact Investing team has compiled a list of important areas to focus on. The outcome of the conference will be crucial in determining how humanity can mitigate and adapt to climate change.

UBP in the press 25.10.2021

Private debt and affordable housing: a match?

Financial Investigator (01.10.2021) - Private debt can boost the supply of social and affordable housing, for the benefit of investors and low-income residents alike. We see potential for a long-running investment theme.