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UBP in the press 28.06.2018

Spotlight on Swiss competitiveness

All News (18.06.2018) - According to Eleanor Taylor Jolidon, Co-Head Swiss & Global Equity Portfolio Management at Union Bancaire Privée (UBP), Swiss macroeconomic numbers only have a passing effect on Swiss companies’ results, as 90% of their revenues are foreign-exposed.

Analisi 26.06.2018

Navigating Quantitative Tightening in the Eurozone

Spotlight - US Quantitative Tightening: A road map for the ECB.

Comunicati stampa 25.06.2018

UBP rafforza la propria presenza sul mercato statunitense

Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA («UBP») annuncia di avere nominato Deepak Soni CEO della sua filiale UBP Investment Advisors SA («UBP IAS») il 1° giugno 2018.

UBP in the press 22.06.2018

Eric Morin reveals the bank's fierce ambition to thrive in Asia

Asian banking & finance (14.06.2018) - In this exclusive interview with Asian Banking & Finance, Eric discusses the bank's growth targets, its competition and biggest challenges, and what makes it different compared to local Asian private banks.

Analisi 20.06.2018

Managing political risk in EM

There are around 80 countries in which we can invest, so we may have to contend with up to 20 elections a year. This does not call for being either cautious or bullish, but for being politically aware and having a process for assessing political risk. In our case this means understanding the economic impact of different outcomes, working out which ones have been priced in, and monitoring opinion polls.

Analisi 20.06.2018

A fresh look at global fixed income opportunities

On 26 June, the first edition of our Investment Insight Summit in Zurich addressed pressing topics within the asset management industry. In her keynote speech, Christel Rendu de Lint talked about global fixed income opportunities and strategies.

UBP in the press 19.06.2018

Geneva private bank UBP expands in Zurich

NZZ am Sonntag (17.06.18) - By Daniel Hug and Albert Steck.

Union Bancaire Privée has doubled the assets it has under management in Zurich in five years. CEO Guy de Picciotto wants free access to the EU market, which he can currently only gain indirectly.

Analisi 14.06.2018

Initial Thoughts on Trump-Kim Summit

Tame market response to the summit is accurately priced, in our view, with still low expectations of a real breakthrough in the near term to trade the ‘peace dividend’ or ‘economic reconstruction’ themes.

UBP in the press 12.06.2018

UBP's takeover of Banque Carnegie

The Luxembourg Times (05.06.18) spoke to Michel Longhini, CEO of private banking at UBP, about the acquisition, the strategy in Luxembourg and the potential for more takeovers.

Analisi 11.06.2018

Why Value Investing is not Dead in Japan

In this paper, we will take a closer look at what could be the drivers or catalysts for value stocks to come back into favour.
Comunicati stampa 05.06.2018

Nuova strategia sulla piattaforma UBP di UCITS alternativi

UBP annuncia il lancio di una nuova strategia di arbitraggio sulla sua piattaforma di UCITS alternativi in collaborazione con Cheyne Capital Management (UK) LLP («Cheyne Capital»), società di gestione con sede a Londra specializzata negli investimenti alternativi. Si aggiunge così un quarto fondo alla piattaforma UBP di UCITS alternativi che ora gestisce capitali per quasi 700 milioni di CHF.

Analisi 01.06.2018

Navigating choppy waters

After strong growth in Q4, activity was relatively weak in Q1, particularly in developed economies. Where is the global economy going in the next quarters?

Comunicati stampa 31.05.2018

UBP acquisirà Banque Carnegie Luxembourg

Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) e Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ) hanno annunciato in data odierna di aver stipulato un accordo in virtù del quale Union Bancaire Privée (Europe) S.A. acquisirà Banque Carnegie Luxembourg S.A. (BCL). L’operazione è soggetta all’approvazione delle competenti autorità regolatorie e si prevede che sarà perfezionata nel quarto trimestre 2018.

Analisi 30.05.2018

Q&A on Italy and the Eurozone

Elections in Italy, and also probably in Spain, could refuel political risks in the eurozone, as these elections have the potential to turn into an implicit referendum on the eurozone.

Analisi 29.05.2018

SMIDs continue to offer good investment opportunities

Small and mid caps (SMIDs) have been outperforming large caps since the beginning of the year and many factors are in place for this solid trend to continue.

UBP in the press 28.05.2018

Unconstrained active bond managers prove their worth

Agefi Indices (May 2018) - The upturn in market volatility in early 2018, along with the gradual return to normal in inflation and interest rates, is working in favour of active bond managers.