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Analisi 14.08.2017

Asian Stocks Climb Higher, led by China and India

Asian Market Review and Outlook - July 2017

UBP in the press 09.08.2017

Dealing in diversification

Hubbis - A healthy product mix has been instrumental to Union Bancaire Privée’s success in Asia to date. It is now looking to direct investments, bespoke offerings and alternatives to make further headway in this crowded market.

Analisi 03.08.2017

In a mid-cap market that is poorly covered by analysts, lots of stocks remain attractive

Since the start of the year, the small- and mid-cap segment has had the wind in its sails as far as investors are concerned. As it is more exposed to domestic markets, the small- and mid-cap universe is presenting a number of opportunities in Europe.

UBP in the press 02.08.2017

For how long will the bull market defy market cycle theory?

Le Temps - The bull run that began in the US in March 2009 already ranks highly in the stockmarket record books.

Analisi 31.07.2017

Trump’s Half Year in Office and the Two Events that Matter for Asian Markets

Asian markets have posted a better than expected performance in 2017, as share price returns have been supported by stronger earnings growth in technology stocks while a recovery in commodity prices benefited cyclical and industrial companies.

UBP in the press 26.07.2017

The small(er) stars on the Swiss stock exchange

Fundplat - Like their larger peers, the smaller Swiss companies tend to have a global presence  and differentiate themselves from their competitors with an innovative and sometimes niche, product offering.

Analisi 24.07.2017

Prospettive d'investimento 3° Trimestre 2017

Numerosi aspetti hanno reso insolito il primo semestre del 2017.
UBP in the press 24.07.2017

Europe’s time has finally come

Forbes - It is shaping up to be a vintage year for European equites.

Comunicati stampa 20.07.2017

UBP annuncia solidi risultati semestrali, aumentando l’utile netto a CHF 110 milioni

L’utile netto a fine giugno 2017 ammontava a CHF 109,5 milioni, in crescita del 21,6% rispetto ai CHF 89,9 milioni dello stesso periodo del 2016. Gli asset in gestione ammontano a CHF 118,9 miliardi a metà anno.

Analisi 18.07.2017

Old Europe is launching a new Europe

The calm after the storm.

Analisi 10.07.2017

Second Half Outlook for Asian Markets

A better than expected pickup in global trade dynamics and elevated confidence levels lifted world markets higher over the first half of 2017.

UBP in the press 06.07.2017

Bond markets: the prospects for outperformance remain modest in Europe, despite improved visibility

L'Agefi - Reduced political risk in Europe and the US Federal Reserve's relative openness about its intentions have clarified the outlook for the bond markets.

Analisi 28.06.2017

Protecting against ‘Protectionism’

The rising risk of global trade, capital and labour protectionism is an important investment topic.

UBP in the press 27.06.2017

Small- and mid-caps: still attractive investments

L'Agefi - Small- and mid-cap stocks are being buoyed by solid fundamentals and the improving economic environment, and remain attractive as components of a long-term investment strategy.

UBP in the press 26.06.2017

Lessons to be learned from Belgium's tax on stock exchange transactions

Le Temps  - Belgium has recently extended the scope of its tax on stock exchange transactions (known as the "TOB") to foreign transactions. This represents a new challenge for the Swiss finance industry, and an opportunity for Swiss banks to take a fresh look at how they need to adjust the service they provide to foreign clients.

UBP in the press 21.06.2017

Setting a new benchmark

Banker Middle East - Michaël Lok, Co-CEO Asset Management at Union Bancaire Privée comprehensively discusses the bank’s investment strategies in manoeuvring through challenging times.