Die Attraktivität der Schweizer Banken aus der Sicht Asiens
Einigen Finanzbeobachtern zufolge beginnt die Vormachtstellung der Schweiz in der weltweiten Vermögensverwaltung, insbesondere in Asien, zu bröckeln. Ist das wirklich so?
The content of our website is not intended for persons resident, or partnerships or corporations organised or incorporated inside the United States (“US Residents”). UBP does not market, solicit or promote its services inside the jurisdiction of the United States at any time. The content provided on the UBP website is intended to be used for general information purposes only. Therefore, nothing on this website is to be construed as an investment recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any security...
Einigen Finanzbeobachtern zufolge beginnt die Vormachtstellung der Schweiz in der weltweiten Vermögensverwaltung, insbesondere in Asien, zu bröckeln. Ist das wirklich so?
As part of its strategy to strengthen its service offerings to independent wealth managers, Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) has decided to join the Wecan Group network as well as the Blockchain Association for Finance.
Die Union Bancaire Privée kündigt Gewinnsteigerung um 24,6% auf CHF 138,1 Millionen an
UBP’s Head of Sustainability, Robert de Guigné, reflects on UBP’s progress in advancing the sustainability agenda since his arrival in August 2022, and outlines what’s next for the Bank as the sustainable finance agenda evolves rapidly in and beyond Switzerland.
A professional alpinist, guide, and speaker featured at a major UBP conference.
UBP’s fourth annual Sustainability Report outlines our sustainability vision and strategy, while providing a transparent account of our progress and achievements along with next steps, covering both investments and operations.
Hubbis met with Eric Morin recently to learn more about UBP’s current momentum in Southeast Asia, the bank’s key focus areas, his strategic priorities, and his vision for the future of private banking in the region.
Der CEO der Vermögensverwaltungsbank Union Bancaire Privée setzt auf akquisitorisches Wachstum.
As the pioneering women who entered a nearly all-male finance sector become experienced and senior, the new cohort of young females arriving are bringing fresh air and a new dimension.
We had the privilege of welcoming sailor Justine Mettraux to a unique in-house conference at the Bank. She spoke about her experiences at sea, and in particular about her preparations for the next Vendée Globe – the biggest single-handed, non-stop, round-the-world yacht race.
Die Höhe der verwalteten Kundenvermögen ist keine ausreichende Masszahl, um die Bedeutung eines Finanzplatzes oder einer Bank zu bewerten. Das herausragende Serviceangebot ist viel eher der Grund dafür als das Volumen der verwalteten Gelder. Die Schweiz ist die Nummer eins der grenzüberschreitenden Vermögensverwaltung.
Redner: Norman Villamin, Robert Wibberley
Redner: Mohammed Kazmi, Nina Jahanbin
Redner: Adrian Künzi