
Più notizie

  • 01.07.2021

    UBP annuncia l’acquisizione dell’attività di Wealth Management di DBI

    Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) e Danske Bank A/S hanno annunciato in data odierna di aver concluso un accordo con il quale Union Bancaire Privée (Europe) S.A. acquisirà l’attività di Wealth Management di Danske Bank svolta a Lussemburgo tramite Danske Bank International S.A. («DBI»).

  • 29.06.2021

    UBP annuncia l’acquisizione di Millennium Banque Privée - BCP (Suisse) SA
    Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) e Banco Comercial Português, S.A. (BCP) hanno annunciato in data odierna di aver concluso un accordo con il quale UBP acquisirà Millennium Banque Privée - BCP (Suisse) SA, banca privata svizzera del Gruppo.
  • 10.03.2021

    UBP amplia ulteriormente la sua offerta nel segmento Small-Mid Cap

    Union Bancaire Privée amplia ulteriormente la sua offerta nel segmento Small-Mid Cap con il lancio di una nuova strategia azionaria globale

  • 05.03.2021

    Biodiversity loss – a threat to our economy?

    All too often, economic progress and conservation of nature are seen as mutually exclusive. Indeed, biodiversity loss is considered to be the price to pay for development. In a new report, the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), in cooperation with UBP, shows how the opposite is true by guiding financial institutions to measure their nature-related financial risks.

  • 22.02.2021

    UBP Monaco looks at the future through the lens of art

    After the success of its first art exhibition in collaboration with art agent MTArt, UBP Monaco has made a new selection of works by another set of talents supported by the agency for its second exhibition themed ‘A Brave New World’. 

  • 17.02.2021

    UBP amplia la sua offerta nelle obbligazioni convertibili

    Union Bancaire Privée amplia la sua offerta nell’ambito delle obbligazioni convertibili con due nuove soluzioni tematiche innovative

  • 21.01.2021

    Risultati annuali 2020

    Union Bancaire Privée annuncia una raccolta netta di quasi 9 miliardi di franchi e la crescita del patrimonio in gestione a 147,4 miliardi di franchi (+5,1%).

  • 07.01.2021

    UBP Art Collection Auction raises funds for Cansearch

    UBP Geneva employees took the unique opportunity of acquiring a piece of the Bank’s history while making a charitable contribution to the work of the Cansearch foundation.

  • 03.12.2020

    The talented musicians of Camerata Venia on your screen

    For many years, UBP has supported cultural and artistic projects in the locations where it has offices. As part of our promotion of artistic creation and young talent in Geneva, we have partnered up with the Grand Théâtre and the Camerata Venia orchestra.

  • 16.11.2020

    Taking a deep breath with freediving champion Guillaume Néry
    Multiple world record holder and reigning world freediving champion Guillaume Néry was the guest speaker at UBP’s latest global in-house conference. The Bank regularly invites inspiring figures to share their visions and talk about their unique experiences.
  • 04.11.2020

    UBP launches a global fintech strategy

    Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) announced today the launch of a new global equity strategy investing in a wide range of areas of the fintech industry.

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