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  • 19.01.2022

    «The Fed will be selling bonds faster than 2017»

    Finanz und Wirtschaft (17.01.2022) - Norman Villamin, CIO Wealth Management of Union Bancaire Privée, expects a radical shift in monetary policy. A tightening cycle is less bad for equities than for bonds and gold, he says.

  • 18.01.2022

    Positive outlook and improving fundamentals

    Macro and micro conditions in 2022 should be positive for credit markets, says Mohammed Kazmi, Portfolio Manager and Macro Strategist, in this podcast with Bernard McGrath, Senior Investment Specialist.

  • 17.01.2022

    Building new pillars of growth in Asia on solid wealth management foundations

    Hubbis (10.01.2022) - Having more than doubled its assets under management (AUM) since 2016, UBP's wealth and asset management businesses at the end of 2020 managed more than USD 30 billion across Asia.

  • 14.01.2022

    Towards a Net Zero Emissions Economy with Green Bonds

    The market for green and social bond issued by financial and non-financial companies is booming.

  • 11.01.2022

    Emerging market fixed income: An asset class of choice for 2022

    Despite waning global growth momentum and rising inflation, strong fundamentals and relative valuations are offering compelling arguments for a strategic allocation to emerging market fixed income.

  • 06.01.2022

    The pillars behind ‘Swiss-made’ excellence

    Global consumers’ everyday lives are shaped by Swiss products and services at different levels and in various aspects. Our experts dive into the secret behind “Swiss-made” quality.

  • 03.01.2022

    Finance is a booster for the green transition

    Le Temps (27.12.2021) - One fact about the financial industry that everyone agrees on nowadays is that, as a strategic allocator of private capital, it has a major role to play in reducing economies’ carbon footprint, and this is clear to see in the sharp growth of so-called “sustainable” funds.

  • 16.12.2021

    Investing amidst the inflection in the fed policy cycle

    The surge in inflation in 2021 combined with the sharp fall in unemployment leaves two of the US Federal Reserve’s key policy objectives within reach as the year comes to a close.

  • 10.12.2021

    Reshaping the European Union

    The global pandemic has allowed the European Union to lay a new foundation upon which it can build to bring about greater integration in the years ahead.

  • 26.11.2021

    The strong performance potential of Swiss small and mid-cap equities

    The Swiss small- and mid-cap (also known as “SMID-cap”) universe offers a balanced and diversified exposure to companies with long-term value-creation potential. Active managers can create significant added value through a disciplined stock-selection process.

  • 24.11.2021

    Alla ricerca di rendimenti in un mondo a tassi zero

    Funds People (17.11.2021) - L'ascesa della gestione passiva, la difficoltà di trovare investimenti redditizi e a basso rischio in un contesto di tassi a zero, la concentrazione del settore o il boom degli ESG sono solo alcune delle sfide che i gestori si trovano ad affrontare. Di questo e altro abbiamo parlato con Nicolas Faller, Co-CEO AM Union Bancaire Privée.

  • 22.11.2021

    CRISPR: the implications of gene editing

    In the latest episode of UBP’s Expert series, Norman Villamin, CIO Wealth Management and Pierre Corby, Equity Analyst Healthcare, invited Dr Samarth Kulkarni, CEO of CRISPR Therapeutics, to discuss the challenges and investment opportunities offered by medical innovation, specifically in the field of gene editing.

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