'Asymmetry' still key in discretionary portfolios
Citywire Asia (17.02.2020) - UBP started positioning its discretionary portfolios to look more 'asymmetric' over the medium-term in 2018.
The content of our website is not intended for persons resident, or partnerships or corporations organised or incorporated inside the United States (“US Residents”). UBP does not market, solicit or promote its services inside the jurisdiction of the United States at any time. The content provided on the UBP website is intended to be used for general information purposes only. Therefore, nothing on this website is to be construed as an investment recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any security...
Citywire Asia (17.02.2020) - UBP started positioning its discretionary portfolios to look more 'asymmetric' over the medium-term in 2018.
With uncertainty still lingering around the COVID-19 outbreak, we recommend a defensive strategy at current valuations and consider a severe economic decline but a well-priced V-shaped rebound in the markets.
Despite being fast-moving and quite unpredictable, changes in consumption patterns are expected to reshape the economic landscape.
Since the beginning of the year, most emerging market currencies have registered losses against the USD.
Allnews (07.02.2020) - «2019 a été une très bonne année pour le marché primaire», estime Marc Basselier, responsable de la gestion Obligations convertibles à l’UBP.
Agefi (02.2020) - Les véhicules électriques ont une contribution importante à apporter à un avenir «zéro carbone» et méritent donc d’être inclus dans une stratégie d’investissement d’impact positif.
It’s full steam ahead for cricket, with youth and women’s fixtures growing and attracting fans.
Investir (03.02.2020) - Interview avec Patrice Gautry, Chef Economiste de l'UBP
The Business Times (29.01.2020) - Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) posted a strong set of results in its Asian operations in 2019, thanks to a number of factors, including strong growth in client mandates.
Le Temps (26.01.2020) - A l’ère de la globalisation, de l’ultra-mobilité et de la diversification internationale des patrimoines, les familles fortunées ayant un profil international sont légion, ce qui peut impliquer des risques multi-juridictionnels sur les successions non planifiées.
Now more than ever, video gaming is at the heart of the entertainment industry.
Sphere (01.2020) - L’an passé, à la fin du premier semestre, l’UBP avait quasiment retrouvé les encours qui étaient les siens en 2007, avant que la crise ne la fasse chuter à 65 milliards fin 2010. Depuis, elle a réussi l’exploit de doubler de taille et de se structurer pour être capable d’aller encore chercher de la croissance.
Intervenants: Norman Villamin, Robert Wibberley
Intervenants: Mohammed Kazmi, Nina Jahanbin
Intervenants: Adrian Künzi