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  • 05.10.2023

    Investment Update panel addresses Asia clients and prospects

    Sharing insights is an important way for us to engage and connect with our clients. In September 2023, we held a series of dinners in Asia, including in Hong Kong and Singapore, in which we looked back at our mid-year "Walking the tightrope" analysis and expectations.

  • 02.10.2023

    Qualité et sélectivité sont nos mots d’ordre

    Avec environ CHF 16 milliards d’actifs sous gestion (AUM), le service et l’accompagnement auprès des EAM (gérants indépendants) constituent une activité importante pour l’UBP. Entretien avec ses responsables.

  • 15.09.2023

    Investir dans la prochaine génération d’infrastructures

    Le Temps - (28.08.2023) - S’ils connaissent aujourd’hui une période plus difficile, les marchés privés ont, sur les vingt dernières années, mieux performé que les indices des marchés publics correspondants.

  • 12.09.2023

    Tricky times for gold

    Finanz und Wirtschaft (09.09.2023) - Over the summer months, gold has struggled to rise in a meaningful manner. The metal traded in a relatively tight USD 100 range this summer, roughly between USD 1,890 and USD 1,990. Gold price volatility continued to decline, and the latest one-month implied volatility is only 10%, the lowest in years. This shows that markets do not expect any sharp moves in either direction over the coming months.

  • 30.08.2023

    Reversing obesity to lighten the load on health and the economy

    With obesity on the rise all over the world despite efforts to reverse the trend, impact investors need to join the fray alongside policymakers to reduce the increased mortality and the costs caused by the condition.

  • 28.08.2023

    Helping young talents inspire others

    UBP is pleased to announce the sponsorship of a young dressage rider as part of its commitment to forwarding the careers of the young generation.

  • 22.08.2023

    Banquier privé à Genève: un métier qui a tout pour plaire

    Si la banque privée apparaît pour la nouvelle génération comme une industrie moins passionnante que les start-up de la Tech, cette perception est toutefois bien loin de la réalité. Ce métier ne cesse en effet d’évoluer, et a su se remettre en question et s’adapter. Aujourd’hui, il a ainsi toutes les cartes en main pour séduire la ‘Next Gen’.

  • 19.07.2023

    China can evade a balance sheet recession

    China’s economy decelerated in Q2-23, led by a sequential decline in manufacturing and investment. Services continue to expand at a slower pace. Below potential growth is resulting in rising unemployment in April and May.

  • 17.07.2023

    Fostering Climate Innovation in Switzerland

    The Swiss Climate Foundation is an important catalyst for climate innovation in Switzerland. Having joined the Foundation at the start of 2022, we took the opportunity to speak to its Managing Director Vincent Eckert.

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