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  • 14.04.2021

    The vaccine disrupting the pharma industry

    UBP talks to Stéphane Bancel, Moderna CEO, to learn how the mRNA technology not only made one of the first COVID-19 vaccines possible, but, more importantly for investors, has the potential to disrupt the broader pharmaceutical industry in its wake.

  • 12.04.2021

    L’impact investing se diffuse à l’ensemble des classes d’actifs

    Option Finance (26.03.2021) – Né dans le capital investissement, l’impact investing ou la recherche d’impact positif sur l’environnement, le social ou le sociétal à travers l’investissement, se diffuse à l’ensemble des classes d’actifs.

  • 08.04.2021

    Policymaking in the post-pandemic era

    Institutional Money (06.04.2021) - The unprecedented nature of the pandemic paved the way for aggressive and, at times, unorthodox stimulus measures; however, these were crucial for ensuring smooth market functioning and delivering accommodative financial conditions at the height of the crisis.

  • 01.04.2021

    Les SMID caps montrent de solides perspectives

    Bilan (31.03.2021) - A l’heure où les vaccins offrent une solution pour sortir de la crise, les petites et moyennes capitalisations (‘SMID caps’) devraient connaître un rebond supérieur à celui du marché dans son ensemble. Zoom sur quelques joyaux cachés.

  • 30.03.2021

    How finance can fight the climate crisis

    Good With Money (19.03.2021) – Mathieu Nègre, Head of Global Emerging Markets at UBP, recently took part in a Good With Money podcast, a series in which experts discuss current ethical investment trends.

  • 24.03.2021

    Gestion discrétionnaire – vous êtes toujours aux commandes

    Parce que vos objectifs et vos aspirations sont uniques, nous vous proposons un service de gestion discrétionnaire exclusif.

  • 22.03.2021

    Short-term downside risks for gold

    Finanz und Wirtschaft (20.03.2021) - Gold prices declined in recent weeks to lows of around $1,680 per ounce. The cause was the continued steepening of the US yield curve.

  • 19.03.2021

    Distressed Opportunity Strategy

    Distressed investment opportunities offer a gateway to companies in financial trouble that need restructuring in order to survive.

  • 15.03.2021

    “active manager alpha ” – a new way to tap into active investment strategies

    A new partnership between UBP and amLeague, a specialised index provider, allows investors to combine the advantages of active investment management with those of passive index tracking. 

  • 10.03.2021

    UBP étoffe son offre en petites et moyennes capitalisations

    L’Union Bancaire Privée étoffe son offre en petites et moyennes capitalisations avec le lancement d’une stratégie en actions ‘SMID caps’ globales

  • 09.03.2021

    Brightening growth prospects for 2021 in Asia

    Asia Macro - On a GDP-weighted basis, Asia is expected to expand by 6.6% in 2021, up from a -1.0% contraction in 2020.

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