Family-owned businesses: Skin in the game
Family-owned companies have outperformed the indices over the long term thanks to their unwavering focus on long-term value creation.
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Family-owned companies have outperformed the indices over the long term thanks to their unwavering focus on long-term value creation.
The S&P 500 is on track for one of its worst January performances looking as far back as 1929. With only ten other years of a January fall of > 5%, similarities and differences can help us to understand what might lie ahead for investors over the balance of the year.
Institutional Money (21.01.2022) - Wie von uns erwartet, war das vergangene Jahr über weite Strecken von Vorsicht hinsichtlich der Zinsentwicklung und Optimismus in Bezug auf Unternehmensanleihen geprägt. Warum wir auch 2022 an dieser Grundhaltung festhalten, wird nachstehend erläutert.
Finanz und Wirtschaft (22.01.2022) - Seit Anfang Jahr hat sich der Goldpreis in einer engen Bandbreite zwischen 1’780 und 1’830 US-Dollar pro Unze bewegt.
The Metaverse represents a new evolution of the internet based on 3D interoperable virtual worlds. Artificial intelligence and blockchain will play a major role in powering digital avatars and allowing users to monetise their content.
Macro and micro conditions in 2022 should be positive for credit markets, says Mohammed Kazmi, Portfolio Manager and Macro Strategist, in this podcast with Bernard McGrath, Senior Investment Specialist.
The market for green and social bond issued by financial and non-financial companies is booming.
Despite waning global growth momentum and rising inflation, strong fundamentals and relative valuations are offering compelling arguments for a strategic allocation to emerging market fixed income.
Global consumers’ everyday lives are shaped by Swiss products and services at different levels and in various aspects. Our experts dive into the secret behind “Swiss-made” quality.
Le Temps (27.12.2021) - In einem sind sich heute alle einig: Der Finanzbranche kommt bei der Dekarbonisierung der Volkswirtschaften eine zentrale Rolle zu, da sie die privaten Kapitalflüsse strategisch umzuleiten vermag.
The surge in inflation in 2021 combined with the sharp fall in unemployment leaves two of the US Federal Reserve’s key policy objectives within reach as the year comes to a close.
The global pandemic has allowed the European Union to lay a new foundation upon which it can build to bring about greater integration in the years ahead.
Redner: Mohammed Kazmi
Redner: Peter Kinsella
Redner: Adrian Künzi