Helping young talents inspire others
UBP is pleased to announce the sponsorship of a young dressage rider as part of its commitment to forwarding the careers of the young generation.
The content of our website is not intended for persons resident, or partnerships or corporations organised or incorporated inside the United States (“US Residents”). UBP does not market, solicit or promote its services inside the jurisdiction of the United States at any time. The content provided on the UBP website is intended to be used for general information purposes only. Therefore, nothing on this website is to be construed as an investment recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any security...
UBP is pleased to announce the sponsorship of a young dressage rider as part of its commitment to forwarding the careers of the young generation.
Die Union Bancaire Privée weist für das erste Halbjahr 2023 einen Reingewinn von CHF 110,8 Millionen aus
UBP Basel recently hosted a client event at the famous art fair Art Basel.
Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) announced today that it has acquired 100% of the shares issued by Angel Japan Asset Management Limited (Angel Japan AM), a Tokyo-based independent investment advisor specialised in the Japanese small-cap equities space.
Finews - Claude Baumann (20.04.2023) - Er ist einer der am längsten im Amt stehenden Bank-CEOs in der Schweiz. Ans Kürzertreten denkt Guy de Picciotto trotzdem noch nicht. Lieber würde er noch eine Akquisition tätigen. Mit den von der Schweiz verhängten Sanktionen, tut er sich in der Praxis schwer, und für ihn ist klar, weshalb die Credit Suisse letzten Endes gescheitert ist, wie er im Interview mit finews.ch erklärt.
Le Temps - (03.04.2023) - Wieder erschüttert eine Vertrauenskrise den Bankensektor. Deshalb ist es besonders wichtig, sich auf die Analyse der Fundamentaldaten zu besinnen und die strukturellen Unterschiede zwischen den Akteuren dieser Branche zu betrachten.
Die Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP), und The Risk Management Group S.A. (RMG), wirkten als Berater eines Konsortiums aus institutionellen Anlegern und Family Offices zur Finanzierung der Gebäude, die an das Hôpital de La Tour geleast werden.
International Women’s Day reminds us of the importance of empowering women to forge innovation and provide their valuable contribution by championing the advancement of transformative technology.
Asian Private Banker (17.02.2023) - Decades ago, private bankers could survive with a limited investment skill set and a good network, but today they have to master several layers of expertise on top of relationship management skills, Guy de Picciotto has observed.
One year after joining the Swiss Climate Foundation, UBP was pleased to host its members for their first Advisory Board meeting of 2023.
Die UBP bietet auf ihrer alternativen UCITS-Plattformeine neue alternative Anlagestrategie in Unternehmensanleihen an.
As technological advances and new lifestyle habits are proliferating amidst rising environmental and social pressure, incorporating the future into decisions can unlock huge economic opportunities.
Redner: Patrice Gautry
Redner: Eleanor Taylor Jolidon, Martin Moeller
Redner: Adrian Künzi