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  • 23.06.2022

    瑞士瑞联 2021年可持续发展报告


  • 23.06.2022

    Alternatives are back with diversification opportunities

    Agefi Luxembourg (06.2022) - Against a backdrop of rising interest rates causing financial assets to be repriced downwards, investors may be interested in alternative strategies that show limited correlation with market indices.

  • 17.06.2022

    Value creation: a key driver in equity selection

    The Market (16.06.2022) - Even in the current difficult stock market environment, Eleanor Taylor Jolidon, Co-Head of Swiss and Global Equity at UBP, prefers growth stocks to value stocks.

  • 15.06.2022

    Investment Outlook 2022 – mid-year update

    The investment landscape has changed substantially in the last six months: conflict has broken out in Ukraine, leading to various geopolitical and social ramifications, and inflationary pressure has been rising and remains a concern across many regions.

  • 08.06.2022

    Impact Report 2021

    Our impact investing franchise saw further substantial development in 2021: not only did we further refine our approach, but we launched the third strategy in our Impact range, which has biodiversity as its theme.

  • 03.06.2022

    «Hedging is Back»

    Finews (03.06.2022) - Co-Head of Asset Management at Geneva-based private bank Union Banque Privée Nicolas Faller, describes what is going on in markets as a normalization process. Nonetheless, he has observed some changes among clients.

  • 27.05.2022

    Market volatility and a shift to risk

    Allnews (23.05) – The ability to keep generating cash flow above cost of capital even during rough patches is a sign of stability in a company, says UBP’s Martin Moeller.

  • 24.05.2022

    “I am not holding my breath for a soft landing”

    Finews (19.05.2022) - Financial markets are not about to return to the normality of past years, says Norman Villamin, CIO Wealth Management, to

  • 23.05.2022

    Biodiversity: the new driving force behind responsible investing

    Le Temps (23.05.2022) - The finance industry is fully on board with the fight for a more sustainable planet, as shown by the spectacular growth in assets under management in the responsible investing segment.

  • 20.05.2022

    Residential mass-market housing: a defensive sector in an inflationary world

    In a new study, UBP’s experts concluded that the mass-market housing sector is better positioned than other sectors to adapt to supply-chain disruptions and inflation risks.

  • 16.05.2022

    UBP Investment Insight Summit 2022

    On 11 & 12 May, our Asset Management division held its third Investment Insight Summit in Zurich.

  • 11.05.2022

    UBP shows support for the EU’s green energy transition

    UBP has joined over 120 businesses calling on the EU to accelerate the transition from fossil fuels to a clean energy future.

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