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A UBP na imprensa 02.02.2024

Monetary policy to give way to fiscal policy

Allnews (18.01.2024) - UBP gives Allnews its latest economic and investment outlook for 2024, with Norman Villamin (N.V.), Group Chief Strategist, and Eleanor Taylor Jolidon (E.T.J.), Co-Head Swiss & Global Equity Franchise and Senior Portfolio Manager.

A UBP na imprensa 31.01.2024

Four reasons for the yen’s steady appreciation this year

Börsen-Zeitung (15.01.2024) - Coming into 2024, here at UBP we hold a constructive view on the JPY. We anticipate that it will continue to appreciate over the course of the year, and we envisage a USD/JPY downward move to levels of around 135 by year-end, with risk skewed to the downside of this level. This represents a decline of at least 6% from current levels. Our generally constructive stance on JPY exchange rates reflects several factors.

A UBP na imprensa 26.01.2024

A Glittering Outlook: Gold Promises to Shine in 2024

Zawya (20.01.2024) - 2024 will be a strong year for gold. Our expectation of ongoing price increases for the yellow metal is driven by several factors, namely the global decline in inflation, weaker USD exchange rates, increasing concerns regarding US debt sustainability, central bank gold purchases, the resilience of gold trading, and ongoing geopolitical risks.

A UBP na imprensa 26.01.2024

“Budget deficits are growing even wider”

L'Opinion (04.01.2024) Muriel Motte - Confirmation that inflation is falling around the world could be the best news we get in 2024.

A UBP na imprensa 25.01.2024

Tech stocks still driving returns

Boursier.com, Arnaud Bivès - We don’t expect central banks to cut rates before the second half of 2024.

A UBP na imprensa 23.01.2024

Excellence: the way for private banks to stand out

Le Temps (22.01.2024) - The importance of a financial centre or bank cannot be assessed based on assets under management alone. First and foremost, what makes Switzerland the world leader in cross-border private banking is the excellent service and management know-how it offers, rather than the volume of assets it manages.

Comunicados de imprensa 22.01.2024

Resultados anuais – 2023

A Union Bancaire Privée regista um lucro líquido de 223,8 milhões de francos suíços, um aumento de 6,4 %.

Insight 18.01.2024

UBP House View - January 2024

Portfolio construction is back to the forefront in 2024.

Insight 08.01.2024

The opportunity set in the infrastructure transition

The sort of infrastructure that traditionally springs to mind might include bridges, roads, airports, rail and power. However, it can be argued in many cases that the infrastructure built over the last few decades is no longer fit for the future needs of society, given the heightened geopolitical risk, changing demographics, and environmental considerations.

Insight 21.12.2023

COP28: A Small Step in the Right Direction

Following up on its wish list published last month, UBP’s Impact team has looked at the outcomes of COP28, specifically as regards a call to action, the climate and nature agendas, adaptation, fossil fuels, and (once again) carbon pricing.

Insight 21.12.2023

Private Markets 2024 Outlook: Adapting to Rising Rates

Rising interest rates have disrupted risk distribution in public and private markets, ushering in a new era distinct from the previous decade of suppressed risks and ample liquidity due to the "Fed put".

Insight 19.12.2023

Keeping away from “boom & -bust” trends

Electrification, weight-loss drugs, AI, digitalisation, cryptocurrencies, ESG darlings, 3D printing and the metaverse are some of the various themes that have been moving global markets recently. However, constantly shifting business environments and rapid technological advances can sometimes lead to a bubble-bursting situation for some themes and their major players.

A UBP na imprensa 08.12.2023

Family offices are the first step to tap onshore Chinese wealth

Asian Private Banker, Twinkle Sparta (27.11.2023) - For many non-Chinese private banks and wealth managers like UBP, the first foray into the Chinese wealth market is to target local wealthy family office clients.

Insight 07.12.2023

UBP House View - December 2023

Markets now offer a wide range of solutions that will need to be implemented intelligently and in an agile way in 2024.

Insight 04.12.2023

UBP London’s ambitious Nature Calls conference draws a crowd

We recently held our first biodiversity conference in London, titled ‘Nature Calls!’ featuring a varied batch of panellists who led inspiring keynote speeches and discussions.

A UBP na imprensa 01.12.2023

UBP’s Michael Blake on his supercharged strategy

Citywire Asia (27.11.2023) - In a momentous year marked by a mega-merger, ongoing market turmoil and geopolitical uncertainties, Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) has done anything but slow down.