Gold: still a shining investment
Since the beginning of the year, gold prices have risen by nearly 40%, outpacing every major developed market equity index – even the S&P 500.
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Global Head of Forex Strategy
Londres, Reino Unido
Peter joined UBP in 2018 and oversees the Bank's Forex and Currency strategy. He is a member of UBP’s Asset Allocation Committee and also sits on UBP’s Global Investment Committee.
Peter has nearly 20 years of foreign exchange and fixed income experience, with extensive derivative and structured product expertise. Previously, he was Head of Emerging Market Research at Commerzbank, where he managed an international team covering all of the key emerging market economies (Russia/CIS, EMEA, China and LatAm). He gained significant experience with advanced currency hedging and risk management techniques from his position as FX and Derivatives Trader at Pioneer Investments/Amundi.
Peter holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from University College Dublin and two master’s degrees, one in Economics from the London School of Economics and one in Law & Economics from the University of Bologna (Italy).