Os seus contactos na UBP

O seu ponto de acesso a toda a informação sobre a Union Bancaire Privée para a comunicação social.

Bernard Schuster
Head of Group Communications


Contacto de imprensa – EUROPE
Janine Haffter
Media Relations Manager Europe

+41 58 819 42 38

Contacto de imprensa – Ásia
Jennifer Ran
Head of Media Relations Asia

+852 3701 9716

Contactos locais

Contacte as nossas agências de relações públicas no seu mercado.

Backstage Communication
Correio eletrónico: ubp@backstagecom.be
Telefone: +32 473 33 08 33

Correio eletrónico: c.lachevre@verbatee.com
Telefone: +33 6 20 42 12 08

NewMark Finanzkommunikation
Correio eletrónico: unionbancaireprivee@newmark.de 
Telefone: +49 69 9441 8028


Verini & Associati
Correio eletrónico: ubp@veriniassociati.com
Telefone: +39 02 45395500

Correio eletrónico: ubp_mena@fticonsulting.com
Telefone: +971 4 512 5961

Correio eletrónico: ubp@evercom.es
+34 91 577 92 72
+34 93 415 37 05

Correio eletrónico: ubp@voxia.ch
Telefone: +41 43 3449845

Peregrine Communications
Correio eletrónico: ubp@peregrinecommunications.com
Telefone: +44 (0)20 3178 6868


Resultados anuais – 2024

Resultado líquido do grupo Union Bancaire Privée aumenta para 257,4 milhões de francos suíços em 2024


UBP joins the Wecan Group network

As part of its strategy to strengthen its service offerings to independent wealth managers, Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) has decided to join the Wecan Group network as well as the Blockchain Association for Finance.


UBP appoints Teresa Lee as Region Head North Asia and Chief Executive Hong Kong

Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) is pleased to announce the appointment of Teresa Lee as Region Head North Asia and Chief Executive Hong Kong.


UBP signs two exclusive agreements to acquire Societe Generale’s international private banking operations in the UK and in Switzerland

Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) and Societe Generale announced today that they have entered into two exclusive agreements whereby UBP will acquire Societe Generale’s Swiss private banking activities (Societe Generale Private Banking Suisse) as well as their UK and Channel Islands wealth management arm (SG Kleinwort Hambros). Both transactions are expected to be completed by the end of the first quarter of 2025.


Resultados do primeiro Semestre de 2024

Lucro líquido da Union Bancaire Privée aumenta 24,6%, para 138,1 milhões de francos suíços


Resultados anuais – 2023

A Union Bancaire Privée regista um lucro líquido de 223,8 milhões de francos suíços, um aumento de 6,4 %.


UBP bolsters its emerging market fixed income capabilities

Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) announced today that it has further strengthened its emerging market (EM) fixed income capabilities by hiring three seasoned experts and developing its EM fixed income product range into a comprehensive offering embedding responsible investment principles.


Resultados do primeiro Semestre de 2023

Union Bancaire Privée regista lucro líquido de 110,8 milhões de francos suíços no primeiro semestre de 2023


UBP partners with Securis in Insurance-Linked Securities

Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) announced today that it has signed a distribution agreement with Securis Investment Partners LLP (Securis), a leading investment manager of Insurance-Linked Securities (ILS).


Sustainable finance: from a dogmatic to a pragmatic approach

Sustainable finance, which aims to invest in a way that is aligned with environmental and social objectives, needs to find a second wind.


Are hedge funds on the brink of a revolution?

Hedge funds are currently benefiting from the volatile investment climate, growing interest from pension funds, and technological advances, making them a valuable tool for generating alpha.


Can US equities sustain their momentum?

US corporate earnings growth is slowing. Unless it picks up again, stocks will become overvalued.


New record for gold

Gold can continue to rise above levels of USD 3,000 per oz this year, as supported by several factors.


The Trump Trade: Interest rates react with a jump

The inevitable increase in interest-rate volatility is clouding the short-term outlook for the credit market.


"AI generates an alert in the event of an atypical transaction"

UBP Monaco, as do many private banks, remains very cautious over the use of AI. CEO Sérène El Masri explains why.


UBP’s 2024 wrap-up in Asian Private Banker

How did our Asia business do in 2024 and what’s in store for 2025? To find out, read this interview with our CEO Asia, Michael Blake, in Asian Private Banker.


The UAE’s Hedge Fund Boom: Lessons from an Emerging Financial Services Powerhouse

The global hedge fund industry is undergoing a seismic shift, one that is redefining the map of financial services. Gone are the days when New York, London, and Hong Kong were the undisputed hubs for hedge funds.


Switzerland and the new world order

The Covid pandemic has reshaped the global economy. It produced an exogenous shock that caused upheaval across the globe between 2020 and 2022, leading to a new world order.

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