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Insight 17.07.2023

Fostering Climate Innovation in Switzerland

The Swiss Climate Foundation is an important catalyst for climate innovation in Switzerland. Having joined the Foundation at the start of 2022, we took the opportunity to speak to its Managing Director Vincent Eckert.

Insight 13.07.2023

Paving the way for long-term, sustainable returns

In 2022, Robert de Guigné, a seasoned investment professional, was appointed UBP’s Group Head of Sustainability. We spoke to him about the evolution of sustainable finance and his vision for UBP’s sustainability transition.

Insight 12.07.2023

O nosso compromisso para os Family Offices

Por ser um banco familiar empreendedor, a UBP encontra-se numa posição privilegiada para ajudar as famílias com património líquido ultraelevado (UHNW) a gerirem o seu património. Em alguns casos, a melhor forma de alcançar este objetivo passa pela constituição de um family office, a sociedade de gestão de património da família.

Insight 04.07.2023

Biodiversity takes centre stage in UBP’s Impact Report 2022

We are delighted to have issued the fifth edition of the UBP annual Impact Report, which highlights the performance and key milestones of our impact franchise.

Insight 30.06.2023

SSF Market Study 2023: Thematic and impact investing on the rise

After years of growth, the total volume of sustainability-related investments in Switzerland declined in 2022, although thematic and impact investing saw remarkable growth.

Insight 07.06.2023

Positive impact in EM: Learnings from three years of investing

The Positive Impact Emerging Equity strategy has recently reached its third anniversary. To celebrate this key milestone and find out more about the journey so far, we interviewed portfolio managers Mathieu Nègre and Eli Koen.

Insight 02.06.2023

Is artificial intelligence under- or overestimated?

UBP Zurich recently held an exclusive event with leading financial media company Finews to assess the potential impact of AI on our work and daily lives, both now and in the future.

Insight 31.05.2023

Trends, diversification and relative value in private debt

The private debt asset class has grown rapidly since the global financial crisis. Despite rising rates, structural changes within the banking sector will continue to drive the development of this asset class, according to a new white paper from UBP's private markets specialists. New sub-asset classes are emerging that offer diversification and relative value compared with public bonds and sponsor-backed direct lending.

Insight 24.05.2023

Webinar: the investment consequences of dedollarisation

During our last webinar focusing on the much-discussed idea that more and more countries are abandoning the US dollar as a reserve currency, UBP’s senior strategists shared their thoughts on the combination of cyclical and structural factors that should indeed lead to a weaker dollar, and the impact this will have on asset classes.

Insight 10.05.2023

Generating consistent returns with SMID caps

In our latest podcast, our investment specialist and fund selector Cédric Le Berre talks with Ned Bell, CIO of Bell Asset Management, about the benefits of partnering with UBP and the momentum he sees in global small and mid-cap equities.

Insight 27.04.2023

Alternative Investment Solutions Review and Outlook at a glance

With the repricing of equity and fixed income markets due to higher inflation and interest rates, hedge funds have returned to the forefront over the last 18 months.

Insight 19.04.2023

Generative AI: Revolutionising Business Innovation and Productivity

Generative AI is set to disrupt numerous industries by enhancing creativity, efficiency, and productivity…all sooner than you think.

Insight 13.04.2023

Why investors should consider allocating to private markets

Private markets play a vital role in portfolio diversification and can provide attractive risk-adjusted returns.

Insight 13.04.2023

Private markets: attractive opportunities in the coming vintages

Private markets have a history of strong performances following peak equity markets and even during recessions.

Insight 17.03.2023

Learning from the mistakes of the 1970s

2023 began with market optimism that the US could successfully navigate its battle with inflation. Recent data have confirmed our suspicions that getting inflation back to the Fed’s 2% target will be more challenging than markets had been assuming.

Insight 23.02.2023

Adapting Advisory portfolios to the improved fixed income outlook

As a decade of yield repression comes to an end, building a fixed income portfolio with an acceptable yield has become an easier task. Given a deteriorating economic background and hawkish policymakers, we believe in harvesting the attractive yields offered by short-term quality bonds, which currently have the best risk-return profile.