UBP seeks to double Middle East business in five years
The Swiss private bank is looking to expand its Middle East business by targeting new markets in the region.
The content of our website is not intended for persons resident, or partnerships or corporations organised or incorporated inside the United States (“US Residents”). UBP does not market, solicit or promote its services inside the jurisdiction of the United States at any time. The content provided on the UBP website is intended to be used for general information purposes only. Therefore, nothing on this website is to be construed as an investment recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any security...
The Swiss private bank is looking to expand its Middle East business by targeting new markets in the region.
A Union Bancaire Privée regista um lucro líquido de 223,8 milhões de francos suíços, um aumento de 6,4 %.
The UBP Next Generation Academy – which recently took place again, four years after the previous edition, partly in Paris and partly in Geneva – brought together an eclectic and multicultural group of young people with a lot to share and a keen interest in learning from the course and from each other.
In October, the Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership (CISL) published a landmark report, “Let’s Discuss Nature with Climate: Engagement Guide”, which gives detailed guidance to banks and investment managers about how to bring nature into their engagement with clients and investee companies.
Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) announced today that it has further strengthened its emerging market (EM) fixed income capabilities by hiring three seasoned experts and developing its EM fixed income product range into a comprehensive offering embedding responsible investment principles.
From 2-5 October, Building Bridges, co-hosted by Sustainable Finance Geneva (SFG) and Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF), attracted a record-breaking 2600 participants from banks, insurance companies, big corporations, governments, international organisations, NGOs and academia for more than 70 plenaries, discussions, and workshops.
UBP is pleased to announce the sponsorship of a young dressage rider as part of its commitment to forwarding the careers of the young generation.
Union Bancaire Privée regista lucro líquido de 110,8 milhões de francos suíços no primeiro semestre de 2023
UBP Basel recently hosted a client event at the famous art fair Art Basel.
Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) announced today that it has acquired 100% of the shares issued by Angel Japan Asset Management Limited (Angel Japan AM), a Tokyo-based independent investment advisor specialised in the Japanese small-cap equities space.
Finews - Claude Baumann (20.04.2023) - He is one of the longest-serving bank CEOs in Switzerland and shows little sign of stopping anytime soon. Instead, Guy de Picciotto is on the prowl for another acquisition. In an interview with finews.com, he discusses the practical difficulties of implementing the government’s sanctions and the reasons for Credit Suisse‘s collapse.
Le Temps - (03.04.2023) - At a time when a new crisis of confidence is shaking the banking industry, it is vital to get back to analysing the fundamentals and noting the structural differences between the various sector players.
Oradores: Norman Villamin, Patrice Gautry, Peter Kinsella
Oradores: Dimitri Kallianiotis
Oradores: Adrian Künzi