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  2. What will it take for responsible investing to change the world?
A UBP na imprensa 20.11.2020

What will it take for responsible investing to change the world?

What will it take for responsible investing to change the world?

Good With Money (20.11.2020) – Victoria Leggett, Head of Impact Investing at UBP, and Eli Koen, Fund Manager, recently took part in a Good With Money podcast, a series in which experts discuss current ethical investment trends.

While everybody is now well aware of the need to get into good habits, like recycling more and eating less meat, to help tackle environmental and social issues, the way people choose to invest their savings and pensions could be infinitely more influential in changing the world for the better. 

However, people are only just starting to realise the power that their investments hold.

The money you’re investing has consequences, just as your consumption patterns do,”

stresses Eli Koen. Victoria Leggett insists that, “Investing needs to become embodied in how people think about their responsibilities.”  

According to both experts, more progress is needed down the road for responsible investment to become more accessible to everyone.

The time has come for capital allocators to generate value more broadly rather than just financially,

notes Victoria. Simplifying, standardising and regulating sustainability metrics should be regarded as the top priority. “Most companies do not disclose this sort of data,” says Eli. “As fund managers,” he adds, “we’re trying to get this information out of them, but we need help from regulators.

Impact Investing

Victoria Leggett
Head of Impact Investing   

Eli Koen
Portfolio Manager Emerging Market Impact Equities


Ações globais

Invista em empresas com uma capacidade de criação de valor superior e sustentável

Further reading

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