Olivier Marion
Head of Business Development
The content of our website is not intended for persons resident, or partnerships or corporations organised or incorporated inside the United States (“US Residents”). UBP does not market, solicit or promote its services inside the jurisdiction of the United States at any time. The content provided on the UBP website is intended to be used for general information purposes only. Therefore, nothing on this website is to be construed as an investment recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any security...
Le bureau de l’UBP en Australie est dédié aux investisseurs institutionnels, et notamment aux caisses de retraite, aux gérants de fortune et multi-gérants, mais aussi aux compagnies d’assurance, aux fondations et fonds de dotation, ainsi qu’aux family offices. UBP Australie propose une gamme diversifiée de stratégies activement gérées, tant sur le segment ‘long-only’ que dans l’univers de l’investissement alternatif.
Nous sommes convaincus que des gérants de portefeuille expérimentés, et pleinement responsables de leurs décisions d’investissement, ont un rôle primordial à jouer dans la création de valeur. Notre approche consiste à se concentrer sur des thèmes d’investissement choisis de manière stratégique, tels que le segment obligataire (‘global and absolute return fixed income’), la dette des marchés émergents, les obligations convertibles, mais aussi certaines stratégies en actions soigneusement sélectionnées, ou encore les solutions alternatives et l’investissement responsable.
La plupart de nos stratégies sont gérées en interne, et nous faisons appel à des gérants de portefeuille externes uniquement lorsqu’ils présentent des expertises complémentaires aux nôtres sur le long terme.
De par notre taille, nous disposons de solides atouts pour servir les marchés institutionnels, tout en conservant un fort esprit entrepreneurial. Nous avons en permanence la volonté de rester créatifs et proactifs afin de répondre précisément aux attentes de la clientèle institutionnelle, aussi bien locale qu’internationale.
En Australie, l’UBP a noué un partenariat stratégique avec Bell Asset Management, un acteur majeur dans la gestion des actions de petite et moyenne capitalisation (SMID) basé à Melbourne.
Ce site web contient certaines informations qui ne sont pas préparées spécifiquement pour les investisseurs australiens.
Il est ainsi précisé que ce site web:
UBP Asset Management Asia Limited - Australia Branch
ARBN 638 682 765
Level 30, 101 Collins Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000
T. +61 3 8637 6021
Imposter bond scams
October 2021
UBP is aware of imposters posing as UBP, or other financial institutions, offering bond investment offers. This is not a UBP issued product. Please remain alert and do not respond or take any action in relation to this scam. If you think you or someone you know has been scammed, lodge a report of misconduct with ASIC and report the matter to police. You can also make a report to the Australian Cyber Security Centre.
Fraudulent emails
Fraudsters may send you fraudulent emails. Hence please beware of any email you may receive representing UBP staff or using an email address that looks like a legitimate UBP email address (for example : ubp-invest.com, ubp-wm.com, etc which are not UBP email addresses). Please do not rely solely on email correspondences for any transaction. You may also use other channels (e.g. telephone listed on our official website) to confirm whether you correspond with a UBP employee or deal with a UBP product or to verify the beneficiary details before initiating any transaction.
For Example : Fraudster claims UBP is offering products A fraudster would claim to be a bank staff in an email (with UBP logo and signatures) and would invite you to make a payment to an external custodian / beneficiary to receive the product.
Fraudulent Website Notification
Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA ("UBP" or “the Bank”) would like to alert all clients and the public to fraudulent websites detected by UBP listed below. UBP would like to advise that these websites have no affiliation or connection whatsoever with the Bank.
Date of detection | Fraudulent Website Address |
June 30, 2024 | ubprivateonline[.]com/login |
May 29, 2024 | ubpconnect[.]cftest6[.]cn/my[.]logout[.]php3?errorcode=19 |
May 21, 2024 | unionbnkaireprivee[.]com |
May 8, 2024 | Ub900[.]net |
April 10, 2024 | Ub600[.]com |
March 20, 2024 | ubp-asset[.]org |
March 12, 2024 | ubpbk[.]online/en |
March 6, 2024 | ubp-asset[.]com |
February 18, 2024 | ubpholdings[.]com |
December 28, 2023 | ubprivee[.]com |
November 7, 2023 | unionbancarteprive[.]world |
September 25, 2023 | ubponline-hk[.]com |
September 22, 2023 | unionbancair88[.]com |
September 21, 2023 | unionbancairff[.]com |
September 21, 2023 | unionbancairfff[.]com unionbancairfff1[.]com |
September 15, 2023 | unionbancairepqqq[.]com unionbancairepfff[.]com unionbpriveeeee[.]com |
September 14, 2023 | ubponlines[.]com/ub/home |
September 7, 2023 | superaldi-vip[.]org |
September 7, 2023 | ubpam[.]vip |
March 16, 2023 | citiheritagebank[.]com |
March 16, 2023 | ubponline[.]com/eπ/user_access[.]php |
March 14, 2023 | unionbanscaireprivee[.]wordpress[.]com |
March 06, 2023 | 20min-fx[.]com/?_=%2Fen%23PyGkTmb3gaxOcC1ltbBGw7IzkQ%3D%3D |
September 20, 2022 | wnitebit[.]com |
September 12, 2022 | www[.]ubp[.]lt |
August 12, 2022 | ubponline[.]com/en/en[.]html |
July 25, 2022 | ubpassetmanagers[.]com |
June 20, 2022 | ebanking[.]ubp[.]re |
June 20, 2022 | ubpassetmanagement[.]com |
June 7, 2022 | www[.]ubp-online[.]com/ |
June 2, 2022 | @ubp-am.net |
June 2, 2022 | prénom-nom@ubp-am.net |
May 31, 2022 | ubpassetmangement[.]com |
May 19, 2022 | prénom.nom[@]ubp-france.net |
February 10, 2022 | ubp-france[.]net |
February 2, 2022 | client-am-ubp[.]com/users/sign_in |
February 1, 2022 | am-ubp[.]com |
November 17, 2021 | Ubp-france[.]com |
November 5, 2021 | Ubp[.]re |
October 26, 2021 | ibank[.]unibponline[.]com |
October 25, 2021 | Ubp-investments[.]com |
October 25, 2021 | unionbancaireonline[.]com |
August 20, 2021 | www.ubp-wm[.]com |
June 23, 2021 | ubp-clientportal[.]com/login |
May 17, 2021 | ubponline[.]com |
April 7, 2021 | kaspib[.]com |
February 23, 2021 | https://www.ubp-hk[.]com |
February 5, 2021 | http://www.ubpsingapore[.]com and http://www.ubphk[.]com |
October 12, 2020 | https://ubpinvestment.org/ch/ |
September 7, 2020 | www.union-bgi.com |
July 28, 2020 | ub-gi.com |
July 24, 2020 | ubpinvest.org |
June 8, 2020 | westoncapitalbank.com |
June 4, 2020 | http://ubpinvest.com |
June 3, 2020 | ubpdirect.com |
May 26, 2020 | www.e-ubp.com |
UBP has taken action deemed necessary and appropriate to protect the interests of its customers, the general public and the Bank. Any clients who have provided personal information or have conducted any financial transactions through these websites, are kindly requested to immediately report to the local Police and to contact their UBP relationship manager or Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA at +41 58 819 21 11.