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  • 03.03.2021

    Investing amidst a tantrum in US Bond Markets

    US 10-year Treasury yields have risen 110 bps from their July, 2020 lows and 60 bps alone in 2021. Using previous bond market ‘tantrums’ going back to 2008 as a reference, a rise to as much as 1.7-2.5% may still lie ahead should the turmoil resume.

  • 10.02.2021

    Big Tech: assessing the threats on the horizon

    Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Alphabet/Google (‘Big Tech’) make up nearly 20% of the entire US market capitalisation by now. As a result, clouds may gather on the horizon for Big Tech in the shape of anti-trust prosecutions, increased regulation, and the prospect of adverse tax policies.

  • 21.01.2021

    Vaccines: Israel and the UAE show the way forward

    With vaccines to combat the global pandemic being rolled out beginning in late-December, Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have led the world in vaccinating their populations, having reached > 20% coverage by mid-January.

  • 05.10.2020

    Webinar – Opportunities in the Gold Mining Sector

    On Thursday 1 October 2020, UBP's experts Norman Villamin and Peter Kinsella hosted a webinar with Evy Hambro, Global Head of Thematic and Sector Investing at Blackrock, to discuss what gold investors can expect in the quarters ahead.

  • 01.10.2020

    Investing amidst a new Fed policy regime

    Spotlight - September saw the end of the US Federal Reserve’s inflation containment policy regime in place since the 1970s. 

  • 28.09.2020

    Post COVID-19: Investing in an uncertain world

    With the current respite in markets, investors need to re-anchor their portfolios within the rapidly shifting investment landscape.

  • 31.07.2020

    Gold/Silver: the early stages of a long-term bull market

    Spotlight - Despite the impressive 30% rally for gold and 70% rally in silver from the March lows, the precious metals are likely still in the early stages of a long-cycle bull market.

  • 28.07.2020

    Webinar – The strategic case for gold

    On Friday 24 July 2020, UBP's experts Norman Villamin and Peter Kinsella hosted a webinar with John Reade, Chief Market Strategist at the World Gold Council, to discuss the constructive environment for gold.

  • 18.05.2020

    Clouds gathering on the horizon

    Spotlight - We see three key risks on the horizon: secondary outbreaks in the US, rising US-China geopolitical tension and political fragmentation in the Euro area

  • 11.05.2020

    Webinar – Market Spotlight

    On Wednesday 6 May 2020, Norman Villamin and Peter Kinsella hosted the “Market Spotlight” webinar to discuss the rapidly changing markets and the opportunities and risks they present.

  • 02.04.2020

    "Whatever it takes": fiscal edition

    Spotlight - With the US and broader European economies entering the ‘acceleration’ phase of their respective COVID-19 infection cycles, fiscal policymakers across Europe and the United States have begun outlining plans to bear down on this growing shock to demand and confidence.

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