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A comprehensive service

You and your clients have specific and varied needs. Our strategic capabilities and extensive range of investment solutions have been developed so that we can meet them.

Once you have determined your investment approach, we will provide you with access to markets, products and investment themes while proactively engaging with you on the latest market updates and investment opportunities.

You can draw on the full spectrum of our strategic capabilities:

Direct Access Client (DAC) Sales

A directly accessible team of sales traders, based in Geneva and Zurich, who: 

  • Identify your investment objectives and match them with the best-suited sales expert
  • Give you direct access to the trading floor ensuring quick and efficient execution of trades
  • Proactively share the Bank’s views, explain market moves, and highlight relevant news
  • Provide tactical and timely ideas based on our forex, fixed income, structured product, equity and derivative convictions


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Structured products

Our range of structured products is an attractive alternative to traditional investments and caters for many different risk profiles. 
Our specialised team provides a broad range of pay-offs tailored to your clients’ risk appetite, diversification requirements and return expectations. 

Depending on the structured product’s complexity, we are able to efficiently translate an investment idea into an investable product in just a few hours or a few days.

A click-and-trade platform is also available for a swifter selection and execution of the product.


Our structured products expertise

Actively Managed Certificates

Access a wide range of asset classes through an actively managed certificate (AMC): a fully flexible and transparent investment vehicle designed for the demanding investor.

An AMC is a structured product which offers investors a simple and cost-effective way of participating in the performance of a wide range of asset classes through a single and synthetic strategy basket or tailor-made index without having to buy the underlying assets individually.

With AMCs, UBP offers external asset managers the ability to externalise the operation, administration and tradability of an investment strategy so that they can focus on their real added value: asset allocation management and client relationships.

In addition, UBP can provide external asset managers with access to the CREAM platform, a single, state-of-the-art platform for centralised and secure access to all certificates. CREAM is an easy-to-use tool which provides various portfolio views and key figures, rebalancing capabilities and access to certificate documents and performance reports.


Contact us to learn more

Traditional and alternative investment funds

Through you, your clients can draw on our investment professionals’ extensive expertise to tap into the full potential of global financial markets. 

Every year our cutting-edge know-how earns us awards from independent research bodies. These distinctions attest to our ability – and that of our managers and our funds – to combine agility and innovation in our quest for performance. 

We offer a broad range of long-only and alternative funds with most of our strategies managed internally.


Our alternative investment capabilities

Private Markets

The Private Markets Group (PMG) is an exclusive UBP team dedicated to professional investors; the team identifies, analyses and selects transactions providing clients with unique investment opportunities. PMG helps those clients diversify their overall portfolio allocation beyond traditional instruments by using tangible assets generally only reserved for institutional investors.


More about Private Markets Group

Wealth Planning

On request, we can analyse your clients’ wealth structure with our highly experienced in-house wealth planning team to help you pinpoint risk areas and identify wealth planning opportunities in line with your clients’ needs and objectives, such as dedicated funds and life insurance.


Our wealth planning expertise
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Learn more about our capabilities and specific offer for EAM

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The team

A dedicated EAM team of over 40 professionals providing services across all our booking centres.

Team Head

Frédéric Toselli


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Can US equities sustain their momentum?

US corporate earnings growth is slowing. Unless it picks up again, stocks will become overvalued.


Silver: onwards and upwards

At UBP, we think that silver is set to rise substantially over the coming weeks and months, reflecting large global inventory shifts and an increasingly compelling valuation profile.


New record for gold

Gold can continue to rise above levels of USD 3,000 per oz this year, as supported by several factors.


The Trump Trade: Interest rates react with a jump

The inevitable increase in interest-rate volatility is clouding the short-term outlook for the credit market.


"AI generates an alert in the event of an atypical transaction"

UBP Monaco, as do many private banks, remains very cautious over the use of AI. CEO Sérène El Masri explains why.


The strategic appeal of Greenland

With Denmark-controlled Greenland attracting increasing geopolitical interest as a naval and resource-rich hotspot, our Chief Strategist looks into the factors at play for this independence-minded Arctic territory.


Gold: still a shining investment

Since the beginning of the year, gold prices have risen by nearly 40%, outpacing every major developed market equity index – even the S&P 500.


Trump’s Comeback: Implications for markets

With voting now completed across the continental United States, it is confirmed that Donald Trump is making a comeback to the White House.


Selective growth through uncompromising quality of service

At Union Bancaire Privée (UBP), External Asset Managers (EAMs) represent around CHF 20 billion in assets under management (AuM), and so the service and support it provides to EAMs is an important part of UBP’s business. We spoke about UBP’s EAM business in Switzerland with those that lead it. 

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