Can US equities sustain their momentum?
US corporate earnings growth is slowing. Unless it picks up again, stocks will become overvalued.
The content of our website is not intended for persons resident, or partnerships or corporations organised or incorporated inside the United States (“US Residents”). UBP does not market, solicit or promote its services inside the jurisdiction of the United States at any time. The content provided on the UBP website is intended to be used for general information purposes only. Therefore, nothing on this website is to be construed as an investment recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any security...
Over 200 external asset managers worldwide have selected Union Bancaire Privée as their banking partner.
New regulatory requirements and the change in client profiles have created a new operating environment for external asset managers (EAMs).
We have been partnering for years with EAMs to help them develop a value-added offering that meets the increasingly complex needs and requirements of their clients.
You have clients who rely on you to provide them with premium investment services. We help you deliver them by facilitating your access to our extensive range of solutions, our long-recognised strategic capabilities, our convictions and our ability to innovate.
*Subject to the rules and regulations that apply in the jurisdiction
Family-owned and -run
Financially solid
Your dedicated contacts
At UBP, our EAM Department’s set-up has been designed to deliver the most efficient and comprehensive range of services. Some of our professionals focus solely on our relationships with EAMs and provide access to the Bank’s specialists and to its top decision makers, and others focus exclusively on operations.
These are your own dedicated and trusted contacts at the Bank. RMs puts you in touch with the Bank’s specialists in order to optimise the service given to the end client. These services range from account-opening to setting up structured financing transactions, such as Lombard lending or mortgages, to wealth planning and tailored requests. UBP puts thirty RMs with an average of fifteen years’ experience at your disposal.
A team of dedicated, experienced operations specialists to carry out the execution and booking of clients’ transactions: stock-exchange, forex, loans, deposits, payments, etc.
This gives you access across all major markets:
and across all financial instruments, including equities, fixed income, forex, derivatives and structured products.
The digital solutions we invest in at UBP are to ensure a service delivery of the highest standard.
*Availability of the solution varies depending on the jurisdiction
A dedicated EAM team of over 40 professionals providing services across all our booking centres.
Team Head
Frédéric Toselli