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  2. Smug Money podcast: Healthcare investing in EM
UBP in der Presse 26.06.2020

Smug Money podcast: Healthcare investing in EM

Smug Money podcast: Healthcare investing in EM

Good With Money (19.06.2020) – UBP Head of Global Emerging Equities Mathieu Nègre joins Sustainable(ish) founder Jen Gale in a podcast to discuss healthcare investing in emerging markets.

As large parts of the world continue to battle with the coronavirus pandemic, it’s now clearer than ever that healthcare should be a major focus. As the third UN Sustainable Development Goal states, we must “ensure healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages”. This was already a particularly pressing need in emerging markets long before the virus struck.

In this Smug Money podcast, UBP’s expert Mathieu Nègre shares his thoughts about healthcare investing in emerging markets with Jen Gale, founder of Sustainable(ish).

Listen to the podcast in full here:

NEGRE Mathieu_p-1.jpg
Mathieu Nègre

Head of Global Emerging Equities


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