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  • 29.01.2025

    "AI generates an alert in the event of an atypical transaction"

    UBP Monaco, as do many private banks, remains very cautious over the use of AI. CEO Sérène El Masri explains why.

  • 22.01.2025

    The strategic appeal of Greenland

    With Denmark-controlled Greenland attracting increasing geopolitical interest as a naval and resource-rich hotspot, our Chief Strategist looks into the factors at play for this independence-minded Arctic territory.

  • 15.10.2024

    Selective growth through uncompromising quality of service

    At Union Bancaire Privée (UBP), External Asset Managers (EAMs) represent around CHF 20 billion in assets under management (AuM), and so the service and support it provides to EAMs is an important part of UBP’s business. We spoke about UBP’s EAM business in Switzerland with those that lead it. 

  • 13.08.2024

    Solving the solvency jargon

    Summer is in full swing, and with it comes first-half results season for Swiss banks. These announcements can sometimes seem like an alphabet soup, with terms like CET1, LCR and NSFR representing financial ratios that are meant to help assess a bank’s solvency.

  • 06.08.2024

    2024 US Elections: a new start

    The attempted assassination of Donald Trump, Joe Biden's withdrawal from the race, and the rise of Kamala Harris: unexpected twists have emerged in the US presidential election.

  • 05.08.2024


    瑞士瑞联(Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA)与法国兴业银行(Societe Generale,下称“法兴”)今天宣布已经签定两项独家协议,瑞士瑞联将收购法兴旗下在瑞士的私人银行业务(Societe Generale Private Banking Suisse)以及在英国和海峡群岛的财富管理业务(SG Kleinwort Hambros),预期两项交易将在 2025 年一季度末完成交割。

  • 22.07.2024


    瑞士瑞联发布2024年上半年业绩,净利润同比增长24.6% 达1.381 亿瑞士法郎

  • 12.07.2024

    Sustainability: an increasingly important consideration for wealth management

    In early 2023, Nicolas Barben was appointed UBP’s Group Head of ESG Solutions within the Wealth Management division. We spoke to him about the role of regulation, the evolution of client interest in sustainability, and the performance of sustainable solutions, as well as his top priorities.

  • 10.07.2024

    Finnish ex-premier addresses UBP clients
    Our annual flagship conference “UBP Looks at Geopolitics” at the prestigious Widder Hotel in Zurich recently brought together nearly 130 clients, prospects, and UBP employees for an evening of dynamic dialogue. The anticipation was palpable as Adrian Künzi introduced the high-profile keynote speaker, Sanna Marin.
  • 17.06.2024

    2024 US elections come into view

    Our experts examine the tumultuous US election landscape and historical market behaviour during election years, as well as anticipate the fiscal challenges awaiting the next president amidst record-high US federal debt levels.

  • 14.06.2024

    UBP's Strategic Vision of Pure-Play Private Banking in Southeast Asia

    Hubbis met with Eric Morin recently to learn more about UBP’s current momentum in Southeast Asia, the bank’s key focus areas, his strategic priorities, and his vision for the future of private banking in the region.

  • 12.06.2024

    Structured products: a strategic solution

    Structured products have changed a great deal, after a long period in which they were treated with a degree of scepticism by investors, and as a result of tighter regulations. Although the number of clients using them remains very (too) small, they are likely to play a growing role in asset allocation strategies.

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