Impact investing: managing short-term expectations
Le Temps (06.11.2023) - In the last two years, returns from impact strategies have been fairly disappointing, particularly compared with investments focusing on major tech stocks.
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Le Temps (06.11.2023) - In the last two years, returns from impact strategies have been fairly disappointing, particularly compared with investments focusing on major tech stocks.
Research has shown that 30 stocks is enough for a portfolio to efficiently diversify risks – and this without even taking into account the added benefits of active stock selection.
Allnews, Emmanuel Garessus (09.10.2023) - UBP strategist Alonso Perez-Kakabadse took part in Ecuador’s dollarisation process. He assesses the situation in Argentina.
Pharma is a complex and fast-changing industry that plays a vital role in improving health outcomes and global access to medicines.
Le Temps - (28.08.2023) - While they’re going through a bit of a rough patch, private markets have performed better in the last couple of decades than their public market peers.
Allnews - Emmanuel Garessus (11.09.2023) - As summer comes to an end, the challenge will be to encourage private clients to take on more risk again in their portfolios, says Nicolas Faller, Co-CEO Asset Management at UBP.
Finanz und Wirtschaft (09.09.2023) - Over the summer months, gold has struggled to rise in a meaningful manner. The metal traded in a relatively tight USD 100 range this summer, roughly between USD 1,890 and USD 1,990. Gold price volatility continued to decline, and the latest one-month implied volatility is only 10%, the lowest in years. This shows that markets do not expect any sharp moves in either direction over the coming months.
With obesity on the rise all over the world despite efforts to reverse the trend, impact investors need to join the fray alongside policymakers to reduce the increased mortality and the costs caused by the condition.
The Swiss Climate Foundation is an important catalyst for climate innovation in Switzerland. Having joined the Foundation at the start of 2022, we took the opportunity to speak to its Managing Director Vincent Eckert.
Responsible Investor - (05.07.2023) - UBP’s Victoria Leggett outlines the opportunity for corporate engagement on biodiversity.
Bilan - (28.06.2023) - After a disappointing year for tech investors in 2022 – with the Nasdaq 100 falling 33% – some observers called time on a sector that had totally dominated the last decade.
Speakers: Norman Villamin
Speakers: Mohammed Kazmi
Speakers: Adrian Künzi