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  • 12.03.2024

    Why Swiss equities should be considered in every equity allocation in 2024

    Investors may find the strong fundamentals and stable economic, political and social aspects of Switzerland attractive in terms of equity investments in a year which may be dominated by geopolitical newsflow.

  • 06.03.2024

    Thinking big about impact investing

    The launch of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 provided a road map for addressing the most pressing issues facing our society by 2030 and beyond. 

  • 05.03.2024

    Like it or not, Hong Kong is still Asia’s leading financial centre

    The mood around Hong Kong’s markets is pretty gloomy these days.

  • 01.03.2024

    Favour Japan over India and China

    After decades of disappointment, Japanese equities are back with a bang. The Nikkei 225 is up 41% year-on-year and 15% since the start of 2024.

  • 28.02.2024

    Generative AI: just getting started

    Despite still being in its infancy, generative AI has already proved to be a boon for big tech names, but can it be used more widely, and if so, how and by whom?

  • 06.02.2024

    Global Outlook 2024: Leading views on the year’s key hedge fund trends

    Our expert gives its take on prospects for key hedge fund investment strategies in the coming months.

  • 25.01.2024

    Tech stocks still driving returns

    We don’t expect central banks to cut rates before the second half of 2024.

  • 08.01.2024

    The opportunity set in the infrastructure transition

    The sort of infrastructure that traditionally springs to mind might include bridges, roads, airports, rail and power. However, it can be argued in many cases that the infrastructure built over the last few decades is no longer fit for the future needs of society, given the heightened geopolitical risk, changing demographics, and environmental considerations.

  • 21.12.2023

    COP28: A Small Step in the Right Direction

    Following up on its wish list published last month, UBP’s Impact team has looked at the outcomes of COP28, specifically as regards a call to action, the climate and nature agendas, adaptation, fossil fuels, and (once again) carbon pricing.

  • 19.12.2023

    Keeping away from “boom & -bust” trends

    Electrification, weight-loss drugs, AI, digitalisation, cryptocurrencies, ESG darlings, 3D printing and the metaverse are some of the various themes that have been moving global markets recently. However, constantly shifting business environments and rapid technological advances can sometimes lead to a bubble-bursting situation for some themes and their major players.

  • 07.12.2023

    UBP House View - December 2023

    Markets now offer a wide range of solutions that will need to be implemented intelligently and in an agile way in 2024.

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