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  • 10.03.2025

    Volunteering: Food, warmth and connection for those in need

    As part of UBP’s Corporate, Social and Responsibility (CSR) activities, Geneva colleagues were recently offered the opportunity to volunteer for a local soup kitchen.

  • 05.08.2024


    瑞士瑞联(Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA)与法国兴业银行(Societe Generale,下称“法兴”)今天宣布已经签定两项独家协议,瑞士瑞联将收购法兴旗下在瑞士的私人银行业务(Societe Generale Private Banking Suisse)以及在英国和海峡群岛的财富管理业务(SG Kleinwort Hambros),预期两项交易将在 2025 年一季度末完成交割。

  • 22.08.2023

    Private banking: Geneva’s appeal

    Many of today’s youngsters see private banking as a much less exciting career option than tech start-ups, yet they have the wrong perception. The private banking industry keeps evolving. It has recognised the need to change and has adapted. Today, it has all the hallmarks of a desirable sector to work in for budding professionals.

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