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Analisi 12.09.2018

China's trade war scenarios

Spotlight - Sino-US trade tensions continue to dominate the focus of global markets with few signs of resolution in the near term.

UBP in the press 05.09.2018

The role of the luxury sector in fixing the fashion footprint

Le Temps (20.08.2018) - The fashion industry has a disturbingly large ecological footprint.xx

UBP in the press 03.09.2018

Come affrontare un mercato obbligazionario globale sempre più illiquido

Invice - Poiché è probabile che quest'anno la BCE concluda il suo programma di acquisto di asset e che la Federal Reserve riporti gradualmente il suo bilancio a livelli normali, la pressione sui mercati del credito, abituati negli ultimi dieci anni a politiche molto accomodanti da parte delle banche centrali, aumenta.

UBP in the press 20.08.2018

Taking stock of the crisis ten years on

Le Temps (20.08.2018) - This autumn will mark the tenth anniversary of the most spectacular bankruptcy of all times.

Analisi 14.08.2018

Oil demand stays firm

WTI oil prices are down almost 10% since the beginning of July. At the beginning of August, oil prices started their longest weekly losing streak in three years. The US/China trade tensions fuelled concerns that global economic growth could slow, weakening worldwide energy demand.
Analisi 07.08.2018

A regime change ahead for global technology

Spotlight - An evolution in return drivers for global technology.

Analisi 30.07.2018

Sfruttare le opportunità nell’azionario e gestire i rischi nell’obbligazionario

Il 2018 è cominciato all’insegna dell’ottimismo per gli investitori, sulla scia delle strepitose performance ottenute dalla maggior parte delle categorie di asset nel 2017.

UBP in the press 25.07.2018

Convertibles sparking investors’ interest

Finanz und Wirtschaft (18.07.2018) - With the entry into an advanced phase of the economic cycle, companies have been looking at convertible bonds with fresh eyes as a valid alternative to traditional debt instruments to finance their growth.

Comunicati stampa 19.07.2018

UBP l’utile netto sale a 115 milioni di CHF nel primo semestre 2018

L’utile netto ha riportato un aumento del 5,3% rispetto a fine giugno 2017, passando da 109,5 milioni di franchi ai 115,3 milioni di franchi di fine giugno 2018. Il risultato operativo raggiunge quota 147,4 milioni di franchi, registrando un progresso del 10,1% (+13,5 milioni di CHF) rispetto ai 133,9 milioni dell’anno precedente. Il patrimonio in gestione sale a 128,4 miliardi di franchi grazie a un afflusso netto di capitali pari a 2,7 miliardi.

Comunicati stampa 19.07.2018

UBP si espande nel Regno Unito con l’acquisizione di ACPI

Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) ha annunciato di aver stipulato un accordo per l’acquisizione di ACPI Investments Limited (ACPI), una società indipendente di gestione degli investimenti con sede a Londra, e delle attività di ACPI IM Limited a Jersey. L’operazione è soggetta all’approvazione delle competenti autorità regolatorie e si prevede che sarà perfezionata nel quarto trimestre 2018.
UBP in the press 16.07.2018

Eric Morin covers a lot of ground in his role

South China Morning Post (14.07.2018) - It may not feature on his CV or official job description, but one of Eric Morin’s key skills is the ability to perform an astute balancing act. Doing that, though, has become second nature to him thanks to more than 30 years in finance and wealth management and a knack for managing change, planning adjustments, and taking a studied approach to every new initiative.

UBP in the press 13.07.2018

Markets: overlay strategies are up to today’s challenges

L'Agefi (12.07.2018) - Equity markets still offer attractive investment opportunities, but since the beginning of the year they have seen increased volatility. In these conditions, overlay strategies can be an interesting solution for investors.

Comunicati stampa 12.07.2018

Lancio di una nuova strategia investment grade

Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) ha annunciato l’ampliamento della sua offerta nel reddito fisso in euro con il lancio di una nuova strategia investment grade.

Analisi 10.07.2018

Trade War Update

Asia Macro Strategy (10.07.2018) - The trade war that started last Friday (July 6th) has been well anticipated. The US initially imposed tariffs of 25% tax on US$34 billion worth of Chinese goods. The next US$16 billion will be announced in two weeks, according to US President Donald Trump.

UBP in the press 03.07.2018

Convertible bonds to navigate through late market cycle challenges

Cash (06.2018), Interview by Katharina Lamster - What should investors know before investing in convertible bonds? Cash spoke with Nicolas Delrue about the asset class’ opportunities and risks.

UBP in the press 02.07.2018

Chinese equities have earned their place in long-term portfolios

Le Temps (01.07.2018) - The event might have appeared trivial had it not provided additional evidence of the potential long-term appeal of Chinese equities, despite turbulence caused by the threat of a trade war between Washington and Beijing.