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  • 21.02.2020

    Is a COVID-19 containment-induced recovery realistic?

    With uncertainty still lingering around the COVID-19 outbreak, we recommend a defensive strategy at current valuations and consider a severe economic decline but a well-priced V-shaped rebound in the markets.

  • 19.02.2020

    Changes in consumption patterns

    Despite being fast-moving and quite unpredictable, changes in consumption patterns are expected to reshape the economic landscape.

  • 17.02.2020

    EM currencies in the wake of the coronavirus

    Since the beginning of the year, most emerging market currencies have registered losses against the USD.

  • 14.02.2020

    L’appétit pour les obligations convertibles à 0%

    Allnews (07.02.2020) - «2019 a été une très bonne année pour le marché primaire», estime Marc Basselier, responsable de la gestion Obligations convertibles à l’UBP.

  • 13.02.2020

    Toutes les batteries sont-elles égales ?

    Agefi (02.2020) - Les véhicules électriques ont une contribution importante à apporter à un avenir «zéro carbone» et méritent donc d’être inclus dans une stratégie d’investissement d’impact positif.

  • 31.01.2020

    UBP posts strong performance in Asian business

    The Business Times (29.01.2020) - Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) posted a strong set of results in its Asian operations in 2019, thanks to a number of factors, including strong growth in client mandates.

  • 30.01.2020

    Les avantages du Règlement européen sur les successions internationales

    Le Temps (26.01.2020) - A l’ère de la globalisation, de l’ultra-mobilité et de la diversification internationale des patrimoines, les familles fortunées ayant un profil international sont légion, ce qui peut impliquer des risques multi-juridictionnels sur les successions non planifiées.

  • 17.01.2020

    China’s Macro, Equity and Credit Outlook

    After several years of investments, regulatory implementation and competitive bidding, 5G deployment is finally accelerating.

  • 15.01.2020

    China’s Macro, Equity and Credit Outlook

    Despite heightening military confrontation between the United States and Iran, China equities enjoyed a solid start in the new year.

  • 09.01.2020

    EM opportunities in 2020

    Podcast - We see a more helpful economic climate for EM, at least going into the early part of the year, with some signs of growth stabilisation and less pressure on exports.

  • 06.01.2020

    Hong Kong: Market Valuation Amid Local Recession

    After a global slowdown in 2019, UBP expects world growth to stabilise on a moderate trend in 2020 (up 2.4% vs. 2.3% in 2019).

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