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  • 05.10.2023

    Investment Update panel addresses Asia clients and prospects

    Sharing insights is an important way for us to engage and connect with our clients. In September 2023, we held a series of dinners in Asia, including in Hong Kong and Singapore, in which we looked back at our mid-year "Walking the tightrope" analysis and expectations.

  • 21.06.2023

    L’excès de prudence peut nuire gravement à la performance

    Le Temps - (19.06.2023) - L’histoire montre qu’il vaut souvent mieux se décider à investir avant que toutes les incertitudes ne se dissipent, pour autant que l’on dispose d’outils efficaces en matière de gestion des risques.

  • 24.05.2023

    Webinar: the investment consequences of dedollarisation

    During our last webinar focusing on the much-discussed idea that more and more countries are abandoning the US dollar as a reserve currency, UBP’s senior strategists shared their thoughts on the combination of cyclical and structural factors that should indeed lead to a weaker dollar, and the impact this will have on asset classes.

  • 17.03.2023

    Learning from the mistakes of the 1970s

    2023 began with market optimism that the US could successfully navigate its battle with inflation. Recent data have confirmed our suspicions that getting inflation back to the Fed’s 2% target will be more challenging than markets had been assuming.

  • 15.06.2022

    Investment Outlook 2022 – mid-year update

    The investment landscape has changed substantially in the last six months: conflict has broken out in Ukraine, leading to various geopolitical and social ramifications, and inflationary pressure has been rising and remains a concern across many regions.

  • 24.05.2022

    “I am not holding my breath for a soft landing”

    Finews (19.05.2022) - Financial markets are not about to return to the normality of past years, says Norman Villamin, CIO Wealth Management, to

  • 26.04.2022

    «Il faut surtout éviter un accident lié à la remontée des taux»

    Le Temps (20.04.2022) - La guerre en Ukraine se traduit par un contexte particulier et des phénomènes exceptionnels, indique Michaël Lok, Group Chief Investment Officer de l’UBP.

  • 19.01.2022

    «The Fed will be selling bonds faster than 2017»

    Finanz und Wirtschaft (17.01.2022) - Norman Villamin, CIO Wealth Management of Union Bancaire Privée, expects a radical shift in monetary policy. A tightening cycle is less bad for equities than for bonds and gold, he says.

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