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洞见 23.06.2022

瑞士瑞联 2021年可持续发展报告

瑞士瑞联 2021年可持续发展报告


这报告也包括瑞士瑞联的2021年气候相关财务信息披露工作组(TCFD) 报告,汇报我们如何识别及管理与气候相关的风险和机会。

2021年是可持续金融的关键年,在关于气候转变和生物多样性 的全球峰会相继举行之后,推动可持续发展已成为多个政府和企业的优先工作,而相关规例也开始重塑金融业的运营和竞争环境。



首席执行官 Guy de Picciotto








建立可持续金融系统有赖于跨界别的通力合作,我们因此在2021年加入了多个新策略性倡议,其中瑞士瑞联已成为自然相关财务披露(Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures, TNFD)论坛的成员,而旗下UBP Asset Management (Europe) S. A. 亦成为 “净零排放资产管理公司倡议” (Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative)的签署机构,

此外,我们参加了不同的行业活动和组织,这包括英国剑桥大学的可持续领袖学院(Institute for Sustainability Leadership, CISL)的投资领袖组(Investment Leaders Group, ILG)In this video, Senior Programme Manager Lucy Auden discusses the importance of collaboration and the ILG’s role in this space. 

Managing our carbon footprint

Managing our environmental impact remained a cornerstone of our CSR strategy in 2021. To help us reach our 25% emissions reduction goal by 2025, we continued to target the key drivers of our carbon footprint, most notably our consumption of electricity and heating as well as business travel.

To this end, we increased the use of renewable energy and electricity to 54% and 81% respectively, put into place several power-saving measures such as switching to LED lighting, and started to implement our 10-year renovation plan to improve the energy efficiency of our Geneva premises. We also began to apply our new travel policy in order to curb emissions from business travel as Covid restrictions were lifted in many locations.

Spotlight on UBP’s work environment

The 2021 Sustainability Report also sheds light on UBP’s work environment. A key highlight in 2021 was the finalisation of the Bank’s work-from-home policy, allowing employees to work from home one day per week. This move provides employees with greater flexibility and is expected to lower our commuting-related emissions.

Last year, we also focused on enhancing the sustainability awareness and expertise of all employees. We launched an 8-module
e-learning programme – “Sustainability@UBP” – and over 1,750 employees participated.

Engaging with our communities

Finally, the report shows how we continued to support our communities through social and environmental projects and sponsorships, such as the “Globetrotter” campaign where employees walked 63,000km, raising CHF 10,000 for five charities, or the clean-up events which saw over 140 colleagues collect waste on lake shores, by rivers and in parks in Geneva, Zurich, Lugano, London, Monaco and Hong Kong as part of World Cleanup Day. In this video, Guillaume Granelli, co-founder of Alaya, the CSR platform UBP uses, reflects on UBP’s community engagement activities.  

Read the full report

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