As UBP continues to support local cultural endeavours, we are pleased to announce our most recent project: a partnership with Comédie de Genève for the next three seasons.

Featuring original material, this theatre lays on a multidisciplinary programme comprising not only plays but also contemporary dancing and creative circus.

Freshly installed in its new building in the Eaux-Vives district of Geneva, the company has the facilities to create and fully produce its own performances working with both local and international actors and other professionals.

It’s about more than just shows. The Comédie aspires to be a hub for Genevans to meet and congregate, making the place come alive as they watch the productions but also just enjoy the surroundings and the café. This playhouse also holds other cultural events, including for school outings, with the aim of awakening more people to the joys of the performing arts. With this partnership, the Bank is both supporting a Geneva institution and contributing to making culture accessible to as wide a population as possible.

To mark this new sponsorship, we were given an exclusive interview with the Comédie’s co-managers Denis Maillefer and Natacha Koutchoumov. They told us about the backstage workings of their trade, their visions, their plans, and their love of theatre.