Our CSR Team in Hong Kong organised a “Summer of Wellness” programme for colleagues –  an initiative that demonstrates UBP's commitment to fostering a culture of health and well-being, not only within the organisation but also in the local community.

This programme laid on informative wellness talks but also actively encouraged UBP employees to take concrete steps towards a healthier lifestyle. The talks featured three sessions with external speakers, who covered the following topics:

The Gut–Brain Connection presented by Sally Poon, Personal Dietitian

The gut is often referred to as the "second brain" due to its crucial role in immune function and regulation of the central nervous system – such as synthesising 95% of the body's serotonin, an important neurotransmitter that contributes to feelings of well-being and happiness. Given the close interconnectedness between the gut and the brain, lifestyle and dietary changes can have a significant impact on overall health. Sally Poon covered a few of the positive changes that we can implement in our day-to-day lives to improve this connection.

Cancer Awareness and Prevention presented by Dr Aya El Helali, Clinical Professor at the University of Hong Kong

Because understanding cancer trends in Hong Kong is crucial for both public awareness and proactive healthcare management, Dr Helali discussed the top ten cancer types affecting the local population, highlighting key factors affecting males and females. She also went over the main warning signs and screening protocols, information that is essential for increasing the chances of early detection. Lastly, Dr Helali shared updates on the innovative approaches that are transforming the way we diagnose and manage various forms of cancer.

Movement and Longevity presented by Aislinn MacPhail, Physiotherapist at Momentum Hong Kong

Aislinn pointed out that regular exercise is one of the most powerful tools we possess for fending off disease and slowing the aging process, listing among the key benefits injury prevention, improved blood glucose and blood pressure control, enhanced bone density, better brain health and cognition, as well as higher sleep quality and relaxation. She stressed the importance of choosing the right type of exercise, taking age into account, and, having gauged the audience’s general fitness level with a "calf raise test”, she shared valuable tips for structuring an effective exercise routine.

To encourage physical activity, the Summer of Wellness programme offered invigorating Muay Thai training sessions that complemented the regular yoga and qigong classes. This multifaceted approach ensured that the programme catered to the diverse wellness needs and preferences of our employees.

The programme culminated in an impactful community walk organised in partnership with our trusted NGO partner, ImpactHK. This event allowed our colleagues and their families to directly give back to Hong Kong's homeless and underprivileged communities by providing them with much-needed food, fresh water, and supplies.

By seamlessly blending educational, physical, and community-focused elements, the action showcases UBP’s commitment to promoting health, well-being, and a positive impact within our organisation and the broader community.

A successful initiative appreciated by all our colleagues involved!
