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影响力投资寻求在带来具竞争力的财务回报时,对社会和环境产生可衡量的利益。通过配置资本给为全球最迫切的挑战提供解决方案的公司,影响力投资旨在创造正面的转变和增长资产。瑞联影响力投资策略专注于物色创新企业,这些公司具备条件受益于包括监管改革、颠覆性科技和消费者需求转变的三大趋势。瑞联特有的 影响力投资方式,能够开发这些将在长期创造财务和非财务价值的机会,同时对转型至更可持续发展的未来作出贡献。





  • 创新: 我们寻求投资于因为拥有先进可持续技术和作业而享有竞争优势及颠覆市场潜力的创新企业。
  • 监管改革: 关于碳排放和资源效益等的法规逐步收紧,将利好提供可持续发展解决方案的公司。
  • 消费者需求: 消费者逐步偏好对环境和社会负责任的产品及服务,为看重影响力的公司之产品及服务带来需求。





瑞联影响力投资团队通过影响力平台,让在不同地域精于不同主题的专家济济一堂、集思广益,以提升我们启发意念的能力。影响力平台由瑞联影响力投资委员会(Impact Investment Committee)监督,每季度举行两次会议,另有由董事会成员担任主席的独立影响力咨询委员会(Impact Advisory Board)督导,该委员会每年举行三次会议。





  • 通过我们的企业议合计划枉架进行系统性企业议合计划(Systematic engagement)
  • 针对特定事宜定向地直接与企业进行议合计划(Targeted engagement) 以应对挑战
  • 结集其他投资者倡议和工作组等的力量,合力推展企业议合计划(Collaborative engagement)


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  • 覆盖所有市值股份,放眼全域以发掘所有投资良机。
  • 主动投资比率(active share)超过90%,印证我们只选投资确信度的股份之坚持,投资目标是把握来自创新、监管改革以及消费者需求转变的三大增长支柱之机遇,以在长期带来佳绩 。 
  • 减低投资于潜在搁浅资产之风险,并且避开问题丛生的行业,从而保障投资者的利益。
  • 由此构成的集中型组合投资周转率低且投资期长 ,在肯担当和富耐心的资本之支持下,能够发挥最大的影响力。


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Tony Juniper, 瑞联影响力咨询委员会主席以及英格兰自然署(Natural England)主席


Frequently asked questions about impact investing.


  • 影响力投资把握来自创新、监管改革和消费者需求转变而带来的长远独特增长动力。
  • 减低投资于搁浅资产的风险。
  • 这些资产同样是全球股市必选的投资,也可以是与任何全球基金或交易所交易基金(ETF)混合投资的理想方案。






  • 团队成员合计经验超过200年
  • 所管理的所有投资策略根据欧盟《可持续金融披露规定》(Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation,  SFDR)被分类为须符合第9条披露规定
  • 持有投资期通常介乎 3–5 年,反映我们以长线为本



Your contacts


Sustainable finance: from a dogmatic to a pragmatic approach

Sustainable finance, which aims to invest in a way that is aligned with environmental and social objectives, needs to find a second wind.


Volunteering: Food, warmth and connection for those in need

As part of UBP’s Corporate, Social and Responsibility (CSR) activities, Geneva colleagues were recently offered the opportunity to volunteer for a local soup kitchen.


UBP Monaco embraces the spirit of sharing

UBP employees have a long tradition of taking part in community engagement projects. Recently, our colleagues at UBP Monaco participated in several CSR activities.


Building Bridges battles sustainable finance headwinds

From 9–12 December, Building Bridges attracted over 3,000 professionals from banks, insurance companies, big corporations, governments, international organisations, NGOs and academia for more than 70 plenary sessions, discussions, and workshops. Combined with over 6,000 viewers online, attendance at the 2024 edition of Switzerland’s leading sustainable finance event reached a record high.


From regulation to innovation: the dynamic universe of biodiversity investments

In the three years since the launch of our biodiversity strategy, the investment landscape has undergone significant transformations, particularly in the realm of biodiversity and nature finance.


COP29: will AI be mentioned in the final text?

Artificial intelligence has been discussed at previous climate conferences: as early as 2021 in Glasgow, there were discussions about both the benefits of AI, and the probable need for additional resources to power it.


Biodiversity COP16: Turning the talk into the walk

Ahead of COP16, the UBP Biodiversity Committee met in the David Attenborough Building in Cambridge to discuss expectations of the event with their two partner organisations, the Cambridge Conservation Initiative (CCI) and the Peace Parks Foundation.


Nature-positive: a game-changer for economies and societies

We explore the importance of nature in our economies and societies – the concept of 'nature-positive', and how businesses can contribute to this global societal goal – in our interview with Dr Noëlle Kümpel, Senior Advisor at BirdLife International.


Measuring biodiversity net gain

As part of its partnership with Peace Parks Foundation, UBP is guided by their expertise in biodiversity measurement and applies this knowledge when engaging with the corporate sector. The aim is to help companies learn from the conservation specialists and disclose more accurate data on nature.


Impact investing is an investment made with the intention of generating a positive social and/or environmental impact alongside financial returns. It exists across a diverse range of asset classes and geographies. Underlying investment candidates should demonstrate a clear “intentionality” within their business model.

Biodiversity is the variety of life on earth at all levels, from genes to ecosystems, plants and animals.

  • About 25% of our assessed plant and animal species are threatened by human actions, with a million species facing extinction within a matter of decades.
  • Pollination, water quality, and disease control are three examples of the services an ecosystem can provide.

Biodiversity is an essential part of natural capital and is directly or indirectly linked to other forms of capital in our economic system. USD 44 trillion of economic value generated each year is moderately or highly dependent on nature, which is more than 50% of global GDP, according to a World Economic Forum report.*

*World Economic Forum, New Nature Economy Report Series, 14 July 2020.

ESG (environmental, social and governance) is a term which outlines the key non-financial considerations investors can integrate into their investment process.

  • Environmental: climate change, resource use, waste management, pollution
  • Social: working conditions, employee relations, community involvement
  • Governance: remuneration levels, board diversity, corporate structure, tax strategy

The incorporation of these factors is argued to be of key importance both for highlighting opportunities and for avoiding unnecessary risk. Therefore, ESG is an integral part of a responsible investment strategy and a tool for potentially enhancing long-term value.

Responsible investment is evolving from an investment niche to an established, mainstream approach. It has seen substantial growth in recent years due to increasing interest from both institutional and individual investors. Globally, total assets committed to sustainable and responsible investment strategies have grown significantly faster than the market (+25% between 2014 and 2016) and now represent 26% of professionally managed assets.
