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UBP in the press 06.04.2022

Il settore europeo degli immobili pubblici: una asset class dai molti vantaggi

Ticino Management (04.2022) - In un contesto di mercato contrassegnato da una forte volatilità dei titoli e da una ripresa dell’inflazione a breve e medio termine, vale certamente la pena di considerare gli investimenti alternativi tra cui i mercati privati e, in particolare, il settore degli immobili pubblici.

UBP in the press 23.03.2022

“Net zero and biodiversity are two sides of one coin”

Börsen-Zeitung (07.02.2022) - Climate-neutrality is all very well, but it has to go hand in hand with ‘nature-positivity’, says UBP’s impact investing expert Victoria Leggett.

UBP in the press 21.03.2022

Gold on the rise amid geopolitical tension

Finanz und Wirtschaft (19.03.2022) -While a glimmer of hope for a cease-fire and the prospect of the Fed’s lift-off are providing some modest downside risk for the gold price, the general trend is upwards as investors flock into the safe haven of precious metals in search of protection from the rising geopolitical, energy supply and inflation risks.

UBP in the press 10.03.2022

“Hong Kong and Singapore is Not a Zero-Sum Game”

Finews (09.03.2022) - UBP’s Asia business saw equally strong contributions from Hong Kong and Singapore during the pandemic, the bank’s regional chief executive Michael Blake told finews.asia, underlining that success from the dual hubs need not come at the expense of one another.

UBP in the press 08.03.2022

Consolidation in banking: the challenges of an acquisition

Le Temps (07.03.2022) - The number of private banks in the Swiss financial sector keeps shrinking and, with the wave of mergers and acquisitions that took place in 2021, it has now fallen below the symbolic threshold of a hundred: in a recent analysis, KPMG and the University of St-Gallen counted 96 in mid-2021, down from 101 in early 2020.

UBP in the press 28.01.2022

Wealth management in China is a “golden opportunity”

Asian Private Banker (19.01.2022) -  After overseeing a more than doubling of Union Bancaire Privée’s (UBP) AUM in Asia over the last five years, Michael Blake is targeting discretionary portfolio management (DPM), private markets and China onshore for the next phase of growth at the Swiss pure-play.

UBP in the press 27.01.2022

Fixed Income Outlook 2022: positive on credit

Institutional Money (21.01.2022) - For most of the past year, we have been cautious on interest rates and positive on credit. As we look ahead to 2022, we continue to maintain these views.

UBP in the press 27.01.2022

Gold – Increasing downside risks

Finanz und Wirtschaft (22.01.2022) - Since the start of the year, gold prices have traded in a tight range between USD 1,780 and USD 1,830 per ounce.

UBP in the press 26.01.2022

"Rate rises will have a positive impact"

L'Agefi - Pascal Schmuck (26.01.2022) - Geneva bank UBP has published strong results for 2021 despite the pandemic. The CEO Guy de Picciotto looks ahead at the year that has just started.

UBP in the press 19.01.2022

«The Fed will be selling bonds faster than 2017»

Finanz und Wirtschaft (17.01.2022) - Norman Villamin, CIO Wealth Management of Union Bancaire Privée, expects a radical shift in monetary policy. A tightening cycle is less bad for equities than for bonds and gold, he says.

UBP in the press 17.01.2022

Building new pillars of growth in Asia on solid wealth management foundations

Hubbis (10.01.2022) - Having more than doubled its assets under management (AUM) since 2016, UBP's wealth and asset management businesses at the end of 2020 managed more than USD 30 billion across Asia.

UBP in the press 03.01.2022

Finance is a booster for the green transition

Le Temps (27.12.2021) - One fact about the financial industry that everyone agrees on nowadays is that, as a strategic allocator of private capital, it has a major role to play in reducing economies’ carbon footprint, and this is clear to see in the sharp growth of so-called “sustainable” funds.

UBP in the press 03.12.2021

‘Il web ha reso re il consumatore’

La Regione (29.11.2021) - L’anno che sta per chiudersi è stato caratterizzato oltre che dalla persistenza di allarme sanitario legato alla pandemia di coronavirus, da una forte ripresa economica negli Stati Uniti e in Europa grazie soprattutto alle graduali riaperture favorite dalle campagne di vaccinazioni. 

UBP in the press 24.11.2021

Alla ricerca di rendimenti in un mondo a tassi zero

Funds People (17.11.2021) - L'ascesa della gestione passiva, la difficoltà di trovare investimenti redditizi e a basso rischio in un contesto di tassi a zero, la concentrazione del settore o il boom degli ESG sono solo alcune delle sfide che i gestori si trovano ad affrontare. Di questo e altro abbiamo parlato con Nicolas Faller, Co-CEO AM Union Bancaire Privée.

UBP in the press 18.11.2021

Is inflation a real concern for credit markets?

Institutional Money (8.11.2021) - Coming into the final quarter of the year, our view had been that the economic recovery would allow central banks to start guiding towards less accommodative policies, and that this would provide room for rates to rise. 

UBP in the press 15.11.2021

From Carbon Neutral to Nature Positive

Investment Week (10.11.2021) - As sustainable investing has gathered momentum over the last decade, much of the focus of the underlying investments has been on climate stability and, more specifically, carbon intensity.