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  • 29.07.2021

    What ESG factors mean for bonds in EM

    The creditworthiness of an emerging market country is often thought to be determined simply by its ability to service and repay debt.

  • 28.07.2021

    Allier impact positif et profitabilité

    Bilan (26.07.2021) - S’il existe traditionnellement une forte divergence entre nos modes de vie et nos approches d’investissement, la situation a récemment évolué. Un nombre croissant d’entreprises cotées s’attachent ainsi désormais à comprendre leur place dans le monde en dépassant le simple cadre des profits financiers.

  • 27.07.2021

    Japan: Lukewarm Olympics, consumption to recover in H2

    Asia Macro - The Olympics will take place despite the State of Emergency (SOE) being extended until August 23. International spectators have been banned and consumer sentiment remains subdued, with few people supporting the event.

  • 26.07.2021

    Le Libor est mort, vive le Saron !

    Le Temps (26.07.2021) - Le compte à rebours final est lancé. Dans moins de six mois, le 1er janvier 2022, le monde de la finance basculera dans l’ère post-Libor (London Interbank Offered Rate).

  • 21.07.2021

    L’amélioration de la gouvernance des entreprises au Japon renforce l’attrait de ce marché

    Agefi Actifs (23.07.2021) - L’amélioration significative de la gouvernance des entreprises au Japon – marquée notamment par la place plus importante accordée aux femmes dans les instances dirigeantes – peut constituer un catalyseur de longue durée venant renforcer le dynamisme du marché japonais.

  • 12.07.2021

    De l’intensité d’impact des entreprises

    Allnews (12.07.2021) - L’Union Bancaire Privée mise sur une approche très personnalisée en matière d’impact. Entretien avec Simon Pickard et Mathieu Nègre.

  • 09.07.2021

    The potential of Impact investing in listed equities

    UBP’s Impact investing approach began with listed equities, as Victoria Leggett, Head of Impact investing at UBP recalled at the Sustainability & Impact Investor Forum on 14 June.

  • 05.07.2021

    The evolution of Impact Investing in listed markets – and what happens next ?

    A lot has changed in the last few years. Impact investing in listed equity is relatively new and, in recent years, there has been much debate about whether impact can even be achieved in secondary markets.

  • 30.06.2021

    Impact investing : Cork against climate change

    UBP interviewed Corticeira Amorim’s Chairman António Rios de Amorim to learn more about how the world’s largest cork products company views its role as a ‘fixer’ in the world’s battle against climate change.

  • 24.06.2021

    The energy transition is underway – what does it mean for investors?

    Turning renewables into sustainable returns

  • 23.06.2021

    Impact investing & microlending: Gentera's case

    Gentera’s CFO, Mario Ignacio Langarica Avila discussed with UBP the transition of the business to a for-profit group and the unique challenges presented by Covid-19.

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