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  • 11.09.2024

    Value-creators beat the fade

    You might have heard about our Swiss & Global Equity team’s investment approach, which revolves around cash-flow return on investments (known as CFROI® – Source: Credit Suisse HOLT) and the selection of companies with high and stable CFROI® only for some of its portfolios. This is a measure that gives an indication of a company’s ability to create value.

  • 17.04.2024

    Diversification is crucial, especially in 2024

    As 2023’s concentrated market rally is extending into 2024, equity investors are worried about a potential consolidation or pullback.

  • 25.01.2024

    Les valeurs de la tech toujours source de performance

    Nous n'anticipons pas de baisses des taux directeurs des banques centrales avant le deuxième semestre 2024.

  • 19.12.2023

    Keeping away from “boom & -bust” trends

    Electrification, weight-loss drugs, AI, digitalisation, cryptocurrencies, ESG darlings, 3D printing and the metaverse are some of the various themes that have been moving global markets recently. However, constantly shifting business environments and rapid technological advances can sometimes lead to a bubble-bursting situation for some themes and their major players.

  • 08.11.2023

    Global equities: time in the market rather than timing the market

    With a rebound in EPS growth expected for 2024, though with disparities between market segments, and with interest rates and inflation still at elevated levels, active management is key.

  • 30.10.2023

    Actions globales: les clés d’une diversification efficiente

    La recherche a démontré qu’il était suffisant de détenir 30 actions en portefeuille pour bénéficier d’une diversification efficiente du risque, et ce sans même tenir compte des avantages additionnels liés à une sélection de titres active.

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