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Analisi 31.01.2019

Measuring funds’ social and environmental impact

In 2018, UBP started a collaboration with the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), a pioneering institution within the University of Cambridge working with influencers to build a sustainable economy.
Analisi 24.01.2019

China’s Policy Stimulus: What’s Really Going On?

At the press conference on China’s policy easing on January 15, senior officials from People’s Bank of China (PBOC), Ministry of Finance (MOF) and National Development of Reform Commission (NDRC, the state planner) jointly reiterated the message of a deepening counter-cyclical policy to cushion the current economic slowdown.

Analisi 18.01.2019

Looking forward from 4Q18 volatility

Spotlight - Investors should expect overall returns to be modest and characterised by recurring bouts of 4Q18-style volatility across markets.

Analisi 09.01.2019

Emerging Market Fixed Income – 2019 Outlook

After a market sell-off in 2018, we believe that emerging market (EM) fixed income should perform better in 2019, thanks to sound fundamentals, reduced political risk and more favourable technicals and valuations.

Analisi 13.12.2018

Prospettive d’investimento UBP per il 2019

Opportunità e sfide in un mondo non più sincronizzato

Analisi 13.11.2018

A bear market in crude oil: how long will it last?

Spotlight - The tailwind of tight supply that characterised the oil market in 2017 has receded in 2018.

Analisi 01.11.2018

US Congressional elections - November 2018

Spotlight - US Congressional elections are set to take place on 6 November.

Analisi 30.10.2018

China policy easing measured but more extensive

Opening domestic market further is a welcome move but may not fully address Trump’s demands on China to resolve the trade war.

Analisi 25.10.2018

Five Triggers for a Market Bottom

Spotlight - Investors should watch for a shift to tightening financial conditions to signal a change in Fed tone to ease some of the pressure on markets.

Analisi 23.10.2018

US vs Europe: 3-1

Many people are wondering whose economy and financial markets will perform the best in the next 12 months – Europe’s or the US’s. Let’s explore the current and potential performances of both economies to see who is in the lead.

Analisi 17.10.2018

Impact investing, il futuro comincia oggi

L’impact investing si assume il compito di impegnarsi per risolvere i più pressanti problemi globali identificando interessanti investimenti a lungo termine.

Analisi 17.10.2018

Impact investing, per plasmare il domani

Impact investing può aiutare a plasmare un futuro più sicuro e luminoso.

Analisi 15.10.2018

Global Equities: P/E de-rating in progress

Spotlight - The broad-based sell-off in global equities has fully retraced the gains made from February 2018’s lows. Even world beating technology shares have fully given up the 8% gains seen over the summer.

Analisi 11.10.2018

China: Expect even more rate cuts

China’s recent reserve requirement ratio (RRR) cut of 100 basis points (bps) on October 7 was larger than anticipated but still represents measured monetary liquidity easing by the central bank.
Analisi 08.10.2018

The latest on the oil market

September saw WTI oil prices drop 4% during the first week of the month before rallying almost 12% to reach USD 75 per barrel at the beginning of October. The rally came as investors have been gauging OPEC’s ability to replace falling Iranian exports and declining Venezuelan production.

Analisi 25.09.2018

US-China Trade War

Spotlight - From Checkers To Chess