Finance durable: du dogmatisme au pragmatisme
La finance durable, qui vise à aligner les investissements avec des objectifs environnementaux et sociaux, doit trouver un second souffle.
The content of our website is not intended for persons resident, or partnerships or corporations organised or incorporated inside the United States (“US Residents”). UBP does not market, solicit or promote its services inside the jurisdiction of the United States at any time. The content provided on the UBP website is intended to be used for general information purposes only. Therefore, nothing on this website is to be construed as an investment recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any security...
La finance durable, qui vise à aligner les investissements avec des objectifs environnementaux et sociaux, doit trouver un second souffle.
As extreme weather events pose increasing financial risks, investors play a critical role in integrating physical climate risks into investment decision-making and supporting systemic resilience measures.
In early 2023, Nicolas Barben was appointed UBP’s Group Head of ESG Solutions within the Wealth Management division. We spoke to him about the role of regulation, the evolution of client interest in sustainability, and the performance of sustainable solutions, as well as his top priorities.
UBP’s fourth annual Sustainability Report outlines our sustainability vision and strategy, while providing a transparent account of our progress and achievements along with next steps, covering both investments and operations.
Bilan (22.04.2020) - Faute d’adopter la bonne méthodologie, les mesures d’empreinte carbone peuvent induire l’investisseur en erreur.
Intervenants: Norman Villamin, Patrice Gautry, Peter Kinsella
Intervenants: Dimitri Kallianiotis
Intervenants: Adrian Künzi