Les collaborateurs de l'UBP à Genève se sont récemment vu offrir une occasion unique d'acquérir une œuvre d’art de la Banque, tout en contribuant aux projets de la fondation Cansearch.

The natural materials and ecosystems that power businesses, underpin economies and support healthy societies are under huge strain, and the widespread social and economic disruption caused by coronavirus risks pushing nature down the agenda. Indeed, policy- making for the protection and restoration of nature has slowed at intergovernmental and national levels, and it will become harder for some businesses to prioritise investment in natural resources. This is a defining moment where governments can support calls for a ‘green recovery’ and create more resilient economies and societies.

Business for Nature is a global coalition bringing together influential organisations and forward-thinking businesses. The purpose of the call to action is to gather powerful collective support from business to ask governments to adopt ambitious nature policies built around five recommendations :


Source: Business for Nature

“Along with fighting against climate change, UBP believes that the financial sector has a key role to play in helping to protect biodiversity. We are proud to have joined Business for Nature’s call to action alongside 560 companies worldwide.”

Karine Jesiolowski, Head of Responsible Investment, Asset Management