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UBP dans la presse 12.10.2016

Comment profiter de l'essor de la consommation chinoise?

L'AGEFI - L’expansion de la consommation chinoise figure parmi les opportunités d’investissement les plus intéressantes à ce jour. Au cœur de ce phénomène réside une urbanisation rapide, qui, compte tenu de son ampleur, pourrait constituer un événement unique dans l’Histoire.

Communiqués de presse 05.10.2016

L'UBP renforce son équipe de gestion en obligations convertibles Europe

L’Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) annonce avoir engagé Benjamin Schapiro en qualité de Gérant de portefeuille senior et Cogérant de l’équipe Obligations convertibles Europe basée à Paris.

UBP dans la presse 05.10.2016

Les banques privées face au défi de la croissance

Le Temps - Les récentes annonces des résultats semestriels des banques privées suisses ont révélé de nombreuses similitudes: l’activité liée au cash a augmenté très nettement, les revenus transactionnels et les commissions sont sous pression, et la croissance en termes de «Net New Money» (NNM) est assez faible. Ceci traduit bien les tendances de fond que traverse notre industrie.

Expertise 04.10.2016

The Irony of Yuan Criticism and Where Investors Should Focus

In less than a week, China’s renminbi (RMB) went from being criticised during a US presidential debate to a new member of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) special drawing right (SDR).

Expertise 30.09.2016

How can investors obtain attractive yields in Swiss francs?

Yields are currently negative not only on Swiss government bonds, but also on Swiss-franc investment-grade credit. However, negative yields do not have to be a disaster for Swiss-franc investors.

Corporate 23.09.2016

Paul Krugman reçoit le Prix International Edgar de Picciotto

Cette année, le Prix International Edgar de Picciotto a été remis à Paul Krugman, Distinguished Professor of Economics à la City University of New York et Prix Nobel d'économie 2008.

Expertise 20.09.2016

Emerging market growth is bottoming out

In this video, Koon Chow, Emerging Market Fixed Income Strategist, shares some important developments in emerging markets, which are going to be supporting asset prices: the bottoming out of growth, the rebalancing in a number of the big economies and the helpful supply dynamics in corporate EM bonds.

Communiqués de presse 14.09.2016

L’UBP renforce son équipe de gestion de fonds en actions européennes

L’Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) annonce avoir engagé M. Charles Anniss en qualité de Gérant de portefeuille Petites et moyennes capitalisations au sein de l’équipe Actions européennes.

Expertise 13.09.2016

From the BOE to Jackson Hole

Emerging Asian markets closed August higher as central bank diktat drove sentiment. Markets rallied early in the month after the Bank of England cut interest rates during its first meeting following the Brexit vote.

Corporate 12.09.2016

Dancing the Cuban dream

Geneva film-maker Eileen Hofer’s movie Horizontes about ballet in Havana must be one of the most poetic documentaries ever made. Through bewitching images, it follows the lives of three ballerinas at different stages of their careers, telling their story in moving detail. One of those dancers is Alicia Alonso, the now 95 year-old who defied her advancing blindness to become one of the greatest ballerinas in the world. Horizontes could not have been completed without the support of Union Bancaire Privée (UBP).

Expertise 07.09.2016

The Effects of the "Indianesia" Tax Reforms

"Indianesia" (India & Indonesia) tax reforms underline emerging Asian markets beyond yield investments.

Corporate 26.08.2016

The Edgar and Danièle de Picciotto Student House

In Geneva stands a symbolic building that is widely recognised for its architectural qualities and provides accommodation for more than 200 students from the Graduate Institute Geneva: the Edgar and Danièle de Picciotto Student House, which was inaugurated in 2012 thanks to the support of UBP’s founder and his family.

Expertise 26.08.2016

SZ-HK Connect: Sanguine Over The Pedestrian Market Response

The approval of the Shenzhen–Hong Kong (SZ-HK) Connect by China’s State Council came with little fanfare. A muted market response normally underpins a listless, typically minimal impact event.

Expertise 03.08.2016

Asian Equities: Pokémon, G20 Meetings, and Augmented Reality

Popularity is generally difficult to predict, let alone understand. In 2015, no one would have foreseen how popular chasing the pocket monsters of Pokemon across major cities would become.

Expertise 02.08.2016

UBP en Bref - Q3 2016

L’engagement, la conviction, l’agilité et la responsabilité sont au coeur des relations que nous entretenons avec notre clientèle. Ces valeurs nous conduisent à concevoir et à développer des solutions d’investissement performantes, répondant précisément à vos besoins en matière de gestion de patrimoine.

Expertise 29.07.2016

Brexit: UBP ruling out a global recession

Experts from Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) – chief economist Patrice Gautry, co-heads of European equities Rob Jones and Scott Meech, and head of fixed income Christel Rendu de Lint – set out their views on the economic environment, equity markets and bond markets after the Brexit vote in the UK.