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UBP dans la presse 22.03.2021

Short-term downside risks for gold

Finanz und Wirtschaft (20.03.2021) - Gold prices declined in recent weeks to lows of around $1,680 per ounce. The cause was the continued steepening of the US yield curve.

Expertise 19.03.2021

Distressed Opportunity Strategy

Distressed investment opportunities offer a gateway to companies in financial trouble that need restructuring in order to survive.

Expertise 15.03.2021

“active manager alpha ” – a new way to tap into active investment strategies

A new partnership between UBP and amLeague, a specialised index provider, allows investors to combine the advantages of active investment management with those of passive index tracking. 

Communiqués de presse 10.03.2021

UBP étoffe son offre en petites et moyennes capitalisations

L’Union Bancaire Privée étoffe son offre en petites et moyennes capitalisations avec le lancement d’une stratégie en actions ‘SMID caps’ globales

Expertise 09.03.2021

Brightening growth prospects for 2021 in Asia

Asia Macro - On a GDP-weighted basis, Asia is expected to expand by 6.6% in 2021, up from a -1.0% contraction in 2020.

UBP dans la presse 08.03.2021

Optimising high-yield exposure in 2021

Institutional Money (04.03.2021) - In spite of the global pandemic, an increase in default rates, and highly volatile investment markets, the global high-yield market delivered positive returns in 2020. 

Corporate 05.03.2021

Biodiversity loss – a threat to our economy?

All too often, economic progress and conservation of nature are seen as mutually exclusive. Indeed, biodiversity loss is considered to be the price to pay for development. In a new report, the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), in cooperation with UBP, shows how the opposite is true by guiding financial institutions to measure their nature-related financial risks.

Expertise 04.03.2021

Benefiting from trends in thematic investing

At UBP, thematic investing means devising investment strategies that benefit from megatrends, such as the disruptive forces that are reshaping our economy and our society.

Expertise 03.03.2021

Investing amidst a tantrum in US Bond Markets

US 10-year Treasury yields have risen 110 bps from their July, 2020 lows and 60 bps alone in 2021. Using previous bond market ‘tantrums’ going back to 2008 as a reference, a rise to as much as 1.7-2.5% may still lie ahead should the turmoil resume.

UBP dans la presse 01.03.2021

La conformité à l’ère de la ‘RegTech’

Le Temps (01.03.2021) - Depuis deux décennies, l’adaptation des banques privées suisses à la prolifération de nouvelles réglementations, au renforcement des exigences de conformité fiscale, et à la globalisation de la clientèle s’apparente véritablement à une épreuve d’endurance. 

UBP dans la presse 26.02.2021

Charting a course for growth through difficult waters

Hubbis (18.02.2021) - Hubbis caught up with Ranjit Khanna, UBP’s Head of South Asia and Singapore Branch Chief Executive Wealth Management, recently to hear how well UBP in South Asia has weathered the storms of 2020, and how the bank continues to expand its discretionary, advisory and IAM/ family office propositions.

Expertise 25.02.2021

UBP’s small- and mid-cap capabilities

SMID-cap equities are poised to mean revert and outperform over the next three to five years. The best time to allocate to SMID caps is when earnings are “depressed”, i.e. now.

Expertise 24.02.2021

The return of leisure & entertainment

The pandemic has not only caused economic chaos around the world, but it has also had a deep impact on people’s lifestyles.

Corporate 22.02.2021

UBP Monaco looks at the future through the lens of art

After the success of its first art exhibition in collaboration with art agent MTArt, UBP Monaco has made a new selection of works by another set of talents supported by the agency for its second exhibition themed ‘A Brave New World’. 

Expertise 19.02.2021

Global Recovery: Vaccine- & Stimulus-led

A clear light at the end of the coronavirus tunnel is now visible with the start of vaccination campaigns.

UBP dans la presse 18.02.2021

Why renewable energy has come of age in 2020

Environmental Finance (05.02.2021) - What changed to make renewable energy such an investment success story in 2020, UBP’s Mathieu Negre asks