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Expertise 21.04.2022

China: Headwinds remain in place for Q2 as PBOC delays easing

Shanghai has entered its fourth week under lockdown, as authorities aim to clamp down on an outbreak of the omicron BA.2 variant. Other cities have also been impacted, with these areas accounting for 17% of China’s GDP.

Expertise 13.04.2022

The meaning of positive nutrition

In this report, we explore the meaning of positive nutrition, how achievable global nutritional goals are and, ultimately, how we invest in nutrition that is positive for people and planet.

Expertise 13.04.2022

Demonstrating how nature-related risks can impact investors

UBP joined forces with Deutsche Bank to address how the transition to a sustainable and resilient food system affects fertiliser company valuations in a contribution to the CISL’s latest report.

UBP dans la presse 13.04.2022

Des opportunités sur les marchés obligataires, malgré le contexte géopolitique

Allnews (06.04.2022) - La guerre en Ukraine ne remet pas en cause le cycle de resserrement monétaire des banques centrales. A l’heure où les entreprises affichent des bilans assainis et peuvent assumer les pressions inflationnistes à l’œuvre, les marchés obligataires, et notamment le segment ‘high yield’, ont de quoi retrouver de l’attrait auprès des investisseurs.

Expertise 06.04.2022

Stratégie d’impact: répondre aux enjeux de la biodiversité

L’UBP a été partenaire de la conférence Biodiversité de L’Agefi, qui s’est tenue au Jardin des Plantes à Paris le 31 mars dernier.

UBP dans la presse 06.04.2022

Immobilier gouvernemental européen: une classe d’actifs aux nombreux atouts

L'Agefi Hebdo (04.2022) - Dans un contexte de marché marqué par une forte volatilité des valeurs mobilières et par des perspectives inflationnistes à court et moyen terme, l’investissement dans les placements alternatifs tels que les marchés privés, et plus particulièrement l’immobilier gouvernemental, prend tout son sens.

Expertise 05.04.2022

Major headwinds for the growth cycle

The global economy remains resilient despite negative momentum in Q1 & Q2. UBP’s economists Patrice Gautry and Carlos Casanova take a tour of the macro scenario around the world.

Expertise 04.04.2022

Investing in private markets – History and Rationale

We expect private market assets to offer a credible alternative which can serve to not only diversify but as importantly augment portfolio returns.

Expertise 01.04.2022

Equities: selectivity is a must

Equities remain an asset class of choice, but selectivity is more important than ever in a tough economic climate. UBP’s experts share their thoughts on key themes.

UBP dans la presse 23.03.2022

“Net zero and biodiversity are two sides of one coin”

Börsen-Zeitung (07.02.2022) - Climate-neutrality is all very well, but it has to go hand in hand with ‘nature-positivity’, says UBP’s impact investing expert Victoria Leggett.

UBP dans la presse 21.03.2022

Gold on the rise amid geopolitical tension

Finanz und Wirtschaft (19.03.2022) -While a glimmer of hope for a cease-fire and the prospect of the Fed’s lift-off are providing some modest downside risk for the gold price, the general trend is upwards as investors flock into the safe haven of precious metals in search of protection from the rising geopolitical, energy supply and inflation risks.

Expertise 15.03.2022

Asia: Rising energy prices will hasten policy tightening in the region

Even though Asian economies have not endorsed sanctions, the Russia–Ukraine conflict will still have major impacts on the macroeconomic backdrop in the region.

UBP dans la presse 10.03.2022

“Hong Kong and Singapore is Not a Zero-Sum Game”

Finews (09.03.2022) - UBP’s Asia business saw equally strong contributions from Hong Kong and Singapore during the pandemic, the bank’s regional chief executive Michael Blake told finews.asia, underlining that success from the dual hubs need not come at the expense of one another.

Expertise 09.03.2022

Pourquoi et comment investir dans les marchés privés ?

Des taux d'intérêt historiquement bas et des valorisations boursières élevées ont déclenché des flux d'investissement sans précédent en direction des marchés privés.

Corporate 09.03.2022

UBP receives Climetrics award for environmental performance in emerging markets equity

CDP’s Climetrics has independently awarded our Positive Impact Emerging Equity strategy a distinction for environmental performance in emerging market equity.

UBP dans la presse 08.03.2022

Les défis d’une acquisition à l’heure de la consolidation bancaire

Le Temps (07.03.2022) - La place financière suisse compte chaque année un peu moins de banques privées et, avec la vague de fusions-acquisitions de 2021, leur nombre est passé sous le seuil symbolique de la centaine.