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Expertise 23.06.2022

UBP publishes 2021 Sustainability Report

UBP today released its 2021 Sustainability Report highlighting its approach to and progress on integrating sustainability into its investments and its own operations. 

UBP dans la presse 17.06.2022

Value creation: a key driver in equity selection

The Market (16.06.2022) - Even in the current difficult stock market environment, Eleanor Taylor Jolidon, Co-Head of Swiss and Global Equity at UBP, prefers growth stocks to value stocks.

Expertise 15.06.2022

Investment Outlook 2022 – mid-year update

The investment landscape has changed substantially in the last six months: conflict has broken out in Ukraine, leading to various geopolitical and social ramifications, and inflationary pressure has been rising and remains a concern across many regions.

Expertise 08.06.2022

Impact Report 2021

Our impact investing franchise saw further substantial development in 2021: not only did we further refine our approach, but we launched the third strategy in our Impact range, which has biodiversity as its theme.

UBP dans la presse 03.06.2022

«Hedging is Back»

Finews (03.06.2022) - Co-Head of Asset Management at Geneva-based private bank Union Banque Privée Nicolas Faller, describes what is going on in markets as a normalization process. Nonetheless, he has observed some changes among clients.

UBP dans la presse 27.05.2022

Se concentrer sur la création de valeur plutôt que sur les variations à court terme

Allnews (23.05) - Tant qu’une société parvient à dégager un cash flow stable supérieur aux coûts du capital, c’est un gage de stabilité, y compris lors de phases difficiles, souligne Martin Moeller d’UBP.

UBP dans la presse 24.05.2022

“I am not holding my breath for a soft landing”

Finews (19.05.2022) - Financial markets are not about to return to the normality of past years, says Norman Villamin, CIO Wealth Management, to finews.ch.

UBP dans la presse 23.05.2022

La biodiversité, nouveau cheval de bataille de l’investissement responsable

Le Temps (23.05.2022) - La finance est tout acquise à la lutte en faveur d’une planète plus durable, preuve en est la croissance spectaculaire des encours gérés de manière responsable.

Expertise 20.05.2022

Residential mass-market housing: a defensive sector in an inflationary world

In a new study, UBP’s experts concluded that the mass-market housing sector is better positioned than other sectors to adapt to supply-chain disruptions and inflation risks.

Expertise 16.05.2022

UBP Investment Insight Summit 2022

On 11 & 12 May, our Asset Management division held its third Investment Insight Summit in Zurich.

Corporate 11.05.2022

UBP shows support for the EU’s green energy transition

UBP has joined over 120 businesses calling on the EU to accelerate the transition from fossil fuels to a clean energy future.

UBP dans la presse 10.05.2022

Forex: USD leads the board

The global economy has been facing a lot of headwinds since the beginning of the year. UBP’s Global Head of Forex Strategy, Peter Kinsella, explains what this means for some of the major currencies.

UBP dans la presse 04.05.2022

«Cibler les entreprises qui résolvent les problèmes»

Paperjam (27.04.2022) - L’Union Bancaire Privée étoffe son offre d’investissement d’impact avec le lancement d’une troisième stratégie consacrée à la restauration de la biodiversité. Une stratégie qui vient compléter l’offre centrée sur les sociétés cotées, lancée en 2018, et celle consacrée aux pays émergents en 2020. Des stratégies qui ont permis de collecter 1,4 milliard de dollars d’actifs sous gestion. 

Expertise 02.05.2022

How will consumption patterns change with the next generation?

Demographic patterns and changes are a key driver of demand and consumption of goods.

UBP dans la presse 26.04.2022

«Il faut surtout éviter un accident lié à la remontée des taux»

Le Temps (20.04.2022) - La guerre en Ukraine se traduit par un contexte particulier et des phénomènes exceptionnels, indique Michaël Lok, Group Chief Investment Officer de l’UBP.

Expertise 22.04.2022

Asia tech: fertile ground for investment opportunities

Shifting consumption patterns are spearheading the growth of the digital economy in Asia.