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UBP dans la presse 01.12.2023

UBP’s Michael Blake on his supercharged strategy

Citywire Asia (27.11.2023) - In a momentous year marked by a mega-merger, ongoing market turmoil and geopolitical uncertainties, Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) has done anything but slow down.

Expertise 29.11.2023

Fixed income 2024: investment grade offers attractive risk-return

Yields on investment-grade bonds are at levels not seen since the GFC, propelled by an inflation wave that caught central banks off guard, forcing them to make the fastest set of rate-hikes since the 1980s.

Expertise 28.11.2023

Bell’s small & mid-cap portfolio – a bellwether

Today, global SMID caps might represent one of the last areas within equities where the balance between fundamentals and valuations has been largely preserved.

Expertise 23.11.2023

UBP Impact Team’s COP28 Wish List

In what has become an annual tradition, UBP’s Impact team has written a list of the outcomes they would like to see from the COP 28 climate summit due to take place at the end of November in Dubai.

Expertise 23.11.2023

Perspectives d’investissement 2024

Les experts de l’UBP présentent leurs convictions d’investissement pour l’année à venir dans le cadre de notre roadshow sur le thème ‘Retour vers le futur’.

Expertise 22.11.2023

Looking Beyond China

As UBP launches into Investment Outlook 2024, this year titled Back to the Future, our Co-CEO Asset Management & Head of Investment Management Michaël Lok, Group Chief Strategist Norman Villamin, and Chief Economist Patrice Gautry shine a spotlight on one of its key themes: looking back at events that have led China into a post-bubble restructuring process. Our expert recommends that during this phase China-focused investors look beyond the world’s second-largest economy at other dynamic markets, such as India.

Expertise 21.11.2023

European real estate: capitalising on market dislocations

The real estate market has had its share of upheavals and is in flux as Europe’s economies battle with the consequences of rising inflation and interest rates, weakening demand, and contracting exports, not to mention the unrest in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Meanwhile real estate has its place as a value creator in investors’ portfolios.

UBP dans la presse 15.11.2023

UBP plans Hong Kong, Greater Bay Area expansion to satisfy growing wealth-management demand

South China Morning Post, Enoch Yiu (15.11.2023) - Over the past five years, Greater China accounts for 75 per cent of UBP’s Asia growth, says Guy de Picciotto.

UBP dans la presse 14.11.2023

The era of relentless Swiss franc appreciation is coming to an end

Financial Times (27.10.2023) - If the risk of wider regional conflict over Gaza recedes, the currency’s high valuation is unlikely to be sustained

Expertise 09.11.2023

UBP House View - November 2023

Back to normal

UBP dans la presse 08.11.2023

UBP doubles down on RMs to capture Southeast Asia wealth boom

Asian Private Banker, Audrey Raj (02.11.2023) - Since Eric Morin took over as head of Southeast Asia, UBP has significantly expanded its team of relationship managers, rapidly increasing its headcount for Southeast Asia as part of its ambitious strategy to capitalise on wealth opportunities in key markets like Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand.

UBP dans la presse 08.11.2023

Global equities: time in the market rather than timing the market

Ticino Management (11.2023) - With a rebound in EPS growth expected for 2024, though with disparities between market segments, and with interest rates and inflation still at elevated levels, active management is key.

UBP dans la presse 07.11.2023

Investissement d’impact ou la difficile gestion des attentes court terme

Le Temps (06.11.2023) - Ces deux dernières années, les stratégies d’impact ont connu une évolution plutôt décevante comparé notamment à celles centrées sur les valeurs phares de la technologie.

Corporate 03.11.2023

Third UBP Next Gen Academy a success

The UBP Next Generation Academy – which recently took place again, four years after the previous edition, partly in Paris and partly in Geneva – brought together an eclectic and multicultural group of young people with a lot to share and a keen interest in learning from the course and from each other.

Expertise 30.10.2023

Actions globales: les clés d’une diversification efficiente

La recherche a démontré qu’il était suffisant de détenir 30 actions en portefeuille pour bénéficier d’une diversification efficiente du risque, et ce sans même tenir compte des avantages additionnels liés à une sélection de titres active.

Corporate 24.10.2023

“Let’s Discuss Nature with Climate: Engagement Guide” published

In October, the Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership (CISL) published a landmark report, “Let’s Discuss Nature with Climate: Engagement Guide”, which gives detailed guidance to banks and investment managers about how to bring nature into their engagement with clients and investee companies.