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Expertise 10.08.2022

China: Politburo drops GDP target and decrees stability in H2 2022

GDP growth bottomed in Q2 and should recover around 5.0% y/y in H2 2022. The July Politburo meeting confirmed this, stressing “stability” and dropping the 5.5% GDP growth target. We maintain our forecast for 2022 unchanged at 3.7%.

UBP dans la presse 05.08.2022

La Suisse, modèle de résilience face aux défis actuels

Le Temps (08.2022) - Le premier semestre 2022 restera-t-il comme celui où tout a basculé ? On pourrait le croire vu l’état d’esprit qui prévalait cet hiver.

Expertise 04.08.2022

Banking on the transition – no net zero without lenders’ support

Whether high-income banks in developed countries or microlenders in emerging markets, the banking sector and its alliances will be indispensable in decarbonising the economy and ensuring a fair transition to net zero emissions.

UBP dans la presse 19.07.2022

Chinese onshore convertible bonds: the hidden gem?

Financial Investigator (06.2022) - The Chinese domestic convertible bond market has increased exponentially to become the second largest globally. This happened almost unnoticed. This development deserves a closer look.

Communiqués de presse 18.07.2022

Résultats semestriels 2022

L’Union Bancaire Privée annonce un bénéfice net de CHF 112,6 millions au premier semestre 2022

Expertise 12.07.2022

Improving the energy efficiency of UBP’s buildings

The built environment is an important driver of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The operation of buildings alone accounts for almost 30% of annual emissions.

Expertise 06.07.2022

Changes in consumption patterns: survival of the fittest

Consumption patterns, together with climate change, demographics and disruptive innovation, are four key secular trends identified by UBP.

UBP dans la presse 28.06.2022

Backing Asia's sustainable agenda

Citywire (22.06.2022) - Michael Blake, Asia CEO of Union Bancaire Privée, was asked how UBP is supporting the region’s increasing push for sustainable investment and how this trend is feeding into his own approach to family life.

UBP dans la presse 23.06.2022

Les stratégies alternatives offrent à nouveau des opportunités de diversification

Agefi Luxembourg (06.2022) - Dans un contexte de hausse des taux entraînant un «repricing» à la baisse des actifs financiers, les investisseurs peuvent s’intéresser aux stratégies alternatives décorrélées des indices.

Expertise 23.06.2022

UBP publishes 2021 Sustainability Report

UBP today released its 2021 Sustainability Report highlighting its approach to and progress on integrating sustainability into its investments and its own operations. 

UBP dans la presse 17.06.2022

Value creation: a key driver in equity selection

The Market (16.06.2022) - Even in the current difficult stock market environment, Eleanor Taylor Jolidon, Co-Head of Swiss and Global Equity at UBP, prefers growth stocks to value stocks.

Expertise 15.06.2022

Investment Outlook 2022 – mid-year update

The investment landscape has changed substantially in the last six months: conflict has broken out in Ukraine, leading to various geopolitical and social ramifications, and inflationary pressure has been rising and remains a concern across many regions.

Expertise 08.06.2022

Impact Report 2021

Our impact investing franchise saw further substantial development in 2021: not only did we further refine our approach, but we launched the third strategy in our Impact range, which has biodiversity as its theme.

UBP dans la presse 03.06.2022

«Hedging is Back»

Finews (03.06.2022) - Co-Head of Asset Management at Geneva-based private bank Union Banque Privée Nicolas Faller, describes what is going on in markets as a normalization process. Nonetheless, he has observed some changes among clients.

UBP dans la presse 27.05.2022

Se concentrer sur la création de valeur plutôt que sur les variations à court terme

Allnews (23.05) - Tant qu’une société parvient à dégager un cash flow stable supérieur aux coûts du capital, c’est un gage de stabilité, y compris lors de phases difficiles, souligne Martin Moeller d’UBP.

UBP dans la presse 24.05.2022

“I am not holding my breath for a soft landing”

Finews (19.05.2022) - Financial markets are not about to return to the normality of past years, says Norman Villamin, CIO Wealth Management, to finews.ch.