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UBP dans la presse 16.04.2018

Asset TV Masterclass: Alternative Investments

With the correlation benefits of equities and bonds waning, investors are increasingly on the hunt for assets that act as true diversifiers. Olivier Marion, Head of Business Development & Senior Investment Specialist Alternative Investments at UBP, recently participated in an Asset TV Masterclass making the case for alternative investments.

Expertise 16.04.2018

Dette d'entreprise émergente durable

Une nouvelle classe d’actifs pour les investisseurs responsables
UBP dans la presse 12.04.2018

Consolidation spells opportunity for UBP

The Business Times (02.04.2018) - The Swiss family-owned private bank is always on the lookout for opportunities to grow, and believes its investments in Asia have paid off.

Expertise 11.04.2018

Investir dans un cycle économique en phase avancée

Un contexte de marché favorable aux obligations convertibles

UBP dans la presse 09.04.2018

La confidentialité des données: une valeur à la hausse

Le Temps (09.04.2018) - Les données personnelles occupent une place centrale dans le fonctionnement de nos économies et de nos sociétés. L’affaire Facebook-Cambridge Analytica rappelle que leur collecte et leur exploitation ne sont pas exemptes de risque. Les débats autour de la réglementation sont donc appelés à s’intensifier.

UBP dans la presse 04.04.2018

UBP plans new Asia hires as profits rise

Citywire (29.03.2018) - After recording an increase in assets and revenue in the last couple of years, UBP is now looking to further expand its team in Asia with more hires planned for 2018.

Expertise 28.03.2018

Japanese equities: good opportunities, particularly in the small-cap segment

The sudden spike in US long-term interest rates set off a more volatile environment for global equity markets. This, combined with a strengthening yen, resulted in a continuing bearish tone in the Japanese market.
UBP dans la presse 27.03.2018

Investing in the Gulf's evolution

Wealth Arabia (03.2018) - Mohamed Abdellatif, Senior Executive Officer, Head of UBP Middle East, Union Bancaire Privée (Middle East) Ltd, speaks to WEALTH Arabia about its commitment to the region.

UBP dans la presse 26.03.2018

Genuinely active management with a sustainable growth strategy

Funds Society (03.2018) - In a winner-takes-all environment, UBP’s Asset Management division has adopted a genuinely active management model, enabling it to offer real added value.

Expertise 19.03.2018

Rising fears of protectionism

Protectionism: a tax on growth

UBP dans la presse 16.03.2018

UBP fund selection chief: regulation saved my job

Citywire Selector - Many see growing regulatory obligations as an administrative nuisance but Didier Chan-Voc-Chun says the mounting burden has revived the job of fund selection.

Expertise 15.03.2018

Political uncertainty weighs on the yellow metal

Gold retreated earlier in March as trade and geopolitical tensions seemed to abate following President Trump’s announcement.

Expertise 13.03.2018

Spotlight: Tariffs, a regime change in progress

Though markets breathed a sigh of relief following the announcement of US tariffs, investors should regard them as a transition to the next stage of the Trump presidency using the UBP ‘Start-Stop’ Framework. Continued US dollar weakness and a more sustained rise in volatility should characterise the next phase of the Trump administration. Capital protected and hedge fund strategies should help cushion portfolios looking ahead.

UBP dans la presse 07.03.2018

Saudi Arabia and Russia: new friends or temporary allies?

Russia’s more active role in the Middle East recently and its increasing contacts with Saudi Arabia and other countries in the region have been hard to miss.

UBP dans la presse 01.03.2018

"Monaco est un centre financier en croissance"

Monaco For Finance (27.02.2018) - Michel Longhini était à Monaco pour rencontrer Thierry Garde, nouveau Responsable de la succursale monégasque de l’UBP. Monaco for Finance l’a interrogé à cette occasion.

Communiqués de presse 28.02.2018

Offre ESG: nouvelle stratégie obligataire centrée sur les marchés émergents

UBP enrichit sa gamme de solutions d’investissement sur les marchés obligataires émergents avec le lancement d’une nouvelle stratégie. La Banque confirme ainsi le renforcement de son approche vis-à-vis de l’investissement responsable et sa volonté de développer une offre répondant à des critères ESG (environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance).